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Good Girl (Alphahole Roommates 2)

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Sounds like Carly wants to help this girl out and got Adele on her side, which doesn’t take much. My older sister loves to meddle in what she thinks of as a great cause and Adele met this chick while she worked for Aiden and likes her.

Carly sweetened the deal, too, with a sales pitch that followed her telling me she’d gone to the hotel manager about what happened to me in the bar that night. She got them to fork over video surveillance from the bar and the elevators that night and it’s very obvious that Sienna fucked with my drink and that I was looking totally out-of-it as she escorted me to my room, even having to open the door with my keycard because I was that disoriented that I couldn’t do it myself. I’m glad that hotel has cameras everywhere. Four pieces of footage were given to our lawyers and I’ve seen the videos myself. Weird watching yourself when you have no recollection of the events. I hate how it felt.

In the first video, two drinks are put down on the bar and she pulls something out of her bag, leans in and blocks the camera view, but then you see her stir the drink with her finger and hand it to me when I get back from the men’s’ room. Then there’s video of her steering me toward the elevator from the bar, me looking wrecked. Then, helping me stagger out of the elevator. Then, the scene by the door to my room.

That coupled with the lab report and eyewitness testimony from both Aiden and my mother – if my mother will testify about the following morning – this is going to mean Sienna has to answer for what she’s done.

As far as I know, the ball is rolling and she should be arrested this week, though the lawyers told me it might take a couple months to go to trial.

Carly used the security video to her advantage, telling me about getting it for me and after sending it to me, adding, “Can you do me a huge favor, Austin? My favorite brother-in-law?”

My immediate response was “of course”.

And then she asked me to please give Jada Miller a one-week trial as my housekeeper and personal shopper.

I deflated, feeling cornered.

“That’s dirty, Carly.”

“I know,” she said through the phone, sounding contrite at least, “But that girl has had the kind of few weeks that beg a break. She needs a break. She’s been screwed over by her brother, lost everything, she’s got nobody, and letting her stay at the condo and giving her a job to help her get back on her feet are something she really needs, and deserves. She’s got no one. She’s a great girl, Austin. You’ve got the wrong impression of her.”

“Whatever. For you, fine. I’ll give it a week. If she fucks up, she’s fired. And I’d tell you that you owe me one, but I don’t work that way…”

“If you asked me for a favor from the bottom of your heart, I’d do it, Austin, even if it was hard.”

“Sweet talker,” I grumbled.

She laughed. “Okay, thank you. I’m sure she won’t mess up.”

“And if she gets on my nerves too badly, she leaves the apartment, too.”

“No. Nope. Sorry. I told her she can stay for as long as she needs.”

“Aiden also told me I can stay,” I volley.

“Then I’m sure you two can make it work.”

“If we can’t, you’re telling me your favorite brother-in-law has to find another place to stay while he’s in New York?”

Two can play dirty pool.

“I’m sure you guys can make it work,” she says, brimming with confidence.

“We’ll see,” I grumble.

And later I got a call from Adele who slipped it into conversation that Jada kept his apartment immaculate for Aiden when he was here, that he came home every day to great food, his errands taken care of, and even his clothes shopping done for him.

“I know how much you hate clothes shopping, Auz,” Adele said. “Besides, I met her twice when we were visiting and she is so nice. She set up a romantic evening for me and Dirk once, and I just love her. She’s super sweet.”

And I rolled my eyes, knowing Carly has recruited Adele to her cause to get me to give Jada Miller a chance.

Frankly, I don’t care all that much; this chick should not be my problem. I’ve got no time for other people’s problems. But I also don’t need to get ganged up on by Adele and Carly, so whatever. I’ll give it a week. And I’ll be a hard-ass to work for.

And either she’ll prove herself or she’ll hate the hard work and she’ll quit. And I’ll have given her the chance my sister-in-law emotionally blackmailed me into giving, so I won’t be the bad guy when Jada quits or fucks up and gets fired with good reason.

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