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Good Girl (Alphahole Roommates 2)

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I’ve had plenty of practice being a hard-ass the last few days at our New York office. To say things are fucked up there is a gross understatement and it’s been a good outlet for my frustrations, because things at the office are a fucking mess so I’ve fired people, reprimanded people, and been a demanding prick.

I’m doing an in-depth internal audit and finding all sorts of shit with red flags, like the way Bassell fudged shit with his expense reports and petty cash. There are even fake temporary employees on the books, with their pay checks coming from petty cash. It’s a mess and I’ve been working from eight in the morning until after midnight most nights since I’ve been here. Having someone make sure my suits are cleaned for work and that I don’t have to fuck around with room service or take-out food sounds good – though I have very low expectations for Jada Miller. But that doesn’t mean she can’t jump through hoops trying to prove herself.


“So, I, um… are you moving in?” Jada asks when I come out. She’s sitting at the kitchen island.

I nod and lean against the counter. “Yeah.”

“And are you all right with me being here, too?”

She’s asking this timidly, her big eyes on me, her body language … submissive.

And everything about her right now has me angry. Her body language. Her look. The way she’s being all… demure and soft-spoken.

Because that’s the kind of thing I go for, to a tee, and it almost feels like she’d somehow know that and use it to try to buy her way into my good graces.

Though, she can’t possibly have a clue about what I prefer or don’t prefer in a woman.

She’s got her hair up in a knot on the back of her head with pieces hanging loose, framing her face. She’s make-up free. She’s wearing loose grey shorts and an off-the-shoulder black t-shirt. The t-shirt is old and nearly sheer so I can make out her bra outline. She’s got a great body. Bare feet with pink painted toenails. Curvy hourglass figure. A generous ass. A wholesome face. And I’ve got a thing for that messy bun, fresh-face look. I’ve got a thing for everything she’s got goin’ on right now, not the least of which is her generous rack, but I will absolutely not be taken in by that image she has goin’ on right now. Not like I did with Meryl. Not like I’ve done in the past, either.

In my experience, sweet, innocent-looking women often hide their true nature.



Austin strolled out giving me a dark look, like I don’t belong here. Like I’m unworthy of his time.

I ask if he’s okay with me being here and he folds his arms across his chest and glares. He’s wearing a washed out soft-looking grey t-shirt. The guy has muscles. And pecks that make my mouth water. He’s even got a sexy neck. Weird to think a neck is sexy. I pry my eyes away from his throat and stare at my hands resting on the island.

“Under certain conditions.”


“No company. My brother and Carly agreed you can stay temporarily, but you’re a guest; this isn’t your home. This is supposed to be my place for three months, so you’re entitled to your room, the main bathroom. I won’t use that; I’ll use the master ensuite so that main bathroom is all yours unless I have guests over so make sure you keep it spotless. We’ll obviously have to share the kitchen. I don’t want to come home from work to any noise, any people, any mess. When I’m here, make yourself scarce; do your best to make me feel like I’m living here alone.”

This is going to go well. Not! But what choice do I have?

“About that… what would you say to me doing for you what I did for Aiden? I know you said no, but I could really use the job, and I’m good at it. I’m here anyway, so I can cook, clean, shop… run errands. Aiden was very happy with me while I worked with him, enough to recommend me to you. You just… you caught me at my worst. It wasn’t even my worst – it was like someone else’s worst because that… that’s not my life. I don’t live that way, I don’t have parties like that, and I just got caught up in-”

“Save it. You’ve already said it,” he interrupts.

My shoulders slump.

“The fact that you’re not even lookin’ me in the face right now says something about you,” he mutters.

I look up. “I’m embarrassed. That’s all it says about me.”

He scoffs like he doesn’t believe me.

“Fine. You’re on a trial run, only because Carly and Aiden wanna help you out. I’m not convinced you deserve their help after the crap you pulled, but whatever. That’s how I feel. First impressions and all.”

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