I, Alex Cross (Alex Cross 16) - Page 13

JOHNNY TUCCI HAD stuck to a rigid system for survival since the trooper car stopped him on I-95. For starters, he never traveled in the same direction for two days in a row and never spent more than twenty-four hours in any one place. In fact, if the skinny girl working the register at the 7-Eleven in Cuttingsville hadn’t been such an easy, willing young thing, or if he could even remember the last time he’d gotten laid, he probably would have been long gone by now.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, he was thinking.

He was in the middle of his second time around with the register girl when the flimsy door to room 5 at the Park-It Motel opened. Two men in gray suits strolled in like they had a key or something. How the hell had they gotten in the door? Whatever. They were in.

Johnny jumped about three feet off the bed and pulled the sheet up to cover himself. So did the girl. Liz? Lisl?

“Johnny Tucci? The Johnny Tucci?”

One intruder—the speaker—was a white guy, the other Hispanic. Maybe Brazilian? Johnny had no clue who they were, but he sure knew why they’d come to the motel. All the same, he gave it his best. “You got the wrong room, man. Never heard of John whatever-you-said. Now, please get out!”

The Hispanic guy fired before Johnny even saw he had a gun in his hand. He flinched hard and almost had a heart attack on the spot. When he looked, the girl, Liz/Lisl, was sitting cockeyed against the headboard with a hole in her forehead and blood seeping down to the tip of her nose, then onto her breasts.

“Jesus Christ!” Johnny fell off the bed more than got off, and then crab-walked himself back into a corner. He’d never actually been shot at before.

“Let’s try this again. Johnny Tucci?” said the white dude. “The Johnny Tucci?”

“Yeah, yeah, okay!” He kept his hands up, one of them at the side of his face so he wouldn’t have to see the girl lying there dead and leaking blood. “How’d you find me? What do you want? Why’d you hurt her?”

The two guys looked at each other and laughed at his expense.

These guys obviously weren’t Family. They were too “white” for that, even the dark one. “What the hell are you? CIA or something?”

“Worse for you, John. We’re former DEA. Less paperwork, if you know what I mean.”

Johnny was pretty sure he did. They weren’t going to write up what had happened to poor Liz or Lisl. What—like she’d tried to pull a gun on them from her pussy?

The white guy crossed the floor in a couple of fast steps and kicked him a swift one in the groin. “That doesn’t mean we like wasting our time running after pathetic garbage like you, though. Let’s go. Get your pants on.”

“I… can’t. Where are we going?” Johnny was doubled over, with his hands on his crotch, only wishing he could hurl. It felt like his stomach had turned inside out. “Just… shoot me and get it over with.”

“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Join your little girlfriend in the everlasting. Afraid it’s not going to be that easy, my friend.”

The two guys leaned over and started wrapping him in the motel bedsheet. They pulled the corners up all around, tied them tight. Johnny couldn’t even take his hands off his meat to do anything. Then they dragged him out the door like he was a bag of dirty laundry.

That’s when he would have started screaming, if he’d had the air for it, because Johnny Tucci had just figured out where they were going, and what was going to happen next.

Chapter 16

WHEN CAROLINE’S MOTHER pulled the black Chevy Suburban into the parking area at Rock Creek Cemetery, it was the first time I’d seen her in over twenty years. We’d spoken on the phone about funeral arrangements, but now that it was here, I didn’t know what to expect or really what to say to her.

I opened the car door myself. “Michelle, hi.”

She looked the same to me, still pretty, with the same long wild hair, shot through with gray now, half-tamed in a braid twisting down her back.

It was her eyes that were different. They’d always been so alive. I could see she’d been crying, but they were dry now. Dry, red around the rims, and so very tired.

“I forgot how much you looked like him,” she said.

She meant Blake; he and I had always been unmistakably brothers, at least physically, especially in the face. Blake was buried here at Rock Creek too.

I held out my arm and

was a little surprised that she took it. We started walking toward St. Paul’s, with the rest of the family not far behind.

“Michelle, I want you to know that I’m handling Caroline’s case myself. If there’s anything you need from me—”

“There’s not, Alex.”

Tags: James Patterson Alex Cross Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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