Filthy Rich (Blackstone Dynasty 1) - Page 48

C: Take the south path and u will find me.

My Caleb could give proper directions.

B: Ok on my way.

After pocketing my phone, I went in search of my man. My man. Yes, I was claiming him as mine. I might not be able to keep him forever, but for right now, and in this place—he was mine.

I spied him about twenty minutes later. He wasn’t difficult to spot. I could find him in a crowd easily now, because I was familiar with his body shape and build—which was all lean muscles and tall. He was in dark jeans and a black Henley with his coat unbuttoned. And he looked absolutely delicious to me as always. He’s said he feels love for you.

But my Caleb wasn’t alone. Another man was beside him, pointing across the field as if he was familiarizing Caleb with the island. My heart sped up as I went to him. He must have felt my presence, because he turned toward me. His face lit up with one of his gorgeous smiles as he held out his hand beckoning me to come forward.

How could I not fall in love with this man?

He drew me into his side with his arm snug around me, and put his lips to my cheek. I felt him inhale against my skin and instantly knew what he was doing. I did the same to him whenever I could. The scent of a lover was powerful in its ability to produce feelings of comfort. Caleb was breathing in my scent right now in front of a stranger. It was done discreetly, under the guise of a welcome kiss to the cheek, but it was oh-so-very intimate to me.

I gave him the smile I’d promised myself I would this morning when I’d wakened. I saw only happiness in his eyes, no demands and no hurt like I’d seen in them last night—just love. At least I could say it inside my head now and not fall apart. Baby steps.

He introduced me to Asher Woodrow, whom I’d never met in person but had heard mentioned by the locals. He was rather stoic, but polite in a broodingly handsome sort of way. Apparently Caleb and Asher went all the way back to their Boy Scout days on the island, but had lost touch over the years. He owned the Blackstone Island Airport and also the helicopter charter to and from the mainland. I was content to be an observer as they finished their conversation about helipad access at the airport in an exchange of sorts with Blackstone Global Enterprises’ own helipad in the heart of the city. Caleb was just full of surprises with the news he owned not only a helicopter but a private helipad in the city of Boston.

And just like that my good feelings of baby steps took a dive. How very deep was the gulf between his world and mine.

It still didn’t change my longing for him to choose to be in my world with me. How could it not? How would any woman not want Caleb to choose her? I still had trouble understanding why a man like him was still single in the first place. Why was that? What about the women in his past?

I feared I might never belong in Caleb’s world with him.

After we said good-bye to Asher, we walked back up the path hand in hand, enjoying the stunning sight of an autumn sun over dark-blue water with the lighthouse standing watch along the rocks. I loved the beautiful views from the island.

“What were you up to so early this morning?” I was definitely curious now.

“I was eager to explore the south end of the island and orient myself to the land that is available.” No wasted words from my Caleb. He said what he meant to do, and then he did it.

“I wondered . . . I hoped,” I said as I turned toward him.

He stopped and pulled me against his chest and held me as we both watched the sea and the sky blending into continuous shades of blue. I breathed in his spicy male scent and tried to understand and accept all of the goodness I felt with Caleb. He was pure and simple goodness in every way . . . for me.

“So, when I build a house here, you won’t be mad at me?”

I lost it. Fell apart again, for what felt like the hundredth time with him, and sobbed into his strong chest. “Nev-v-ver m-mad at y-you, Caaa-leb.”

He held me and smoothed his hand over my head. Caleb understood I was happy crying and not sad crying, so at least there was that. And he wasn’t running away from me at a fast clip, either. I’d given him many opportunities, and still he kept coming back for more emotional torture. It had to be utter torture for him. Men didn’t like drama and emotional breakdowns. How could he bear it? I could barely stand myself when I did it. But Caleb just held me and showed his care and understanding in the most perfect way.

“I want to talk to you about a few things. Can we sit?” he asked me softly. “We can use my coat for a blanket on the grass. This is such a great view and we should enjoy it while the weather is good.”

“Yes, I’d like that very much,” I answered him with my cheek still pressed to his chest as I looked out at the sea, reluctant to separate my body from his.

He spread out his coat for us and sat down, situating me between his legs in front of him so I could lean back onto him. Surrounded by his touch and warmth, the panic of a few moments ago left me. It passed as if it had never happened.

“I got up early this morning and did some research.”

“You were researching land for sale so you can build a house here?” I asked.

“Well, yes and no. The property search came later. This morning I wanted to know about the sudden onset of strong emotional responses, crying in particular.”

“Oh?” My heart sped up. “Did you see my picture pop up when you typed it in the search bar on Google?”

He laughed. “Sorry, but that was very funny.”

“I’m glad you think so. It’s lovely to be able to laugh about this with you.” I paused dramatically. “Otherwise I should start crying.”

Tags: Raine Miller Blackstone Dynasty Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024