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Captured (Castile Family 1)

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“Thanks, Grant,” I chirp too loudly as I pick up the phone to talk to the florist. Maddox stands there watching me. Doesn’t he have work today too? I can’t think with him this close.

“We just wanted to confirm you needed these flowers for this Saturday, Mrs. Castile.”

That jerks me back to reality. “Miss Higginson,” I correct the woman on the phone.

“It has a nice ring to it though,” Maddox says, standing close enough to hear what the woman is saying. His face looks so serious. I let out an awkward laugh, trying to hide my too eager need to agree with him. It sounds really nice. Luna Castile, I say in my head. It sounds perfect.

“Luna Castile.” The mind-reading flower woman says through the phone, relaying my thought out loud.

“Higginson,” I tell her. Maddox’s eyebrows furrow together. For the first time I think I did something wrong. I look around my desk to see if I knocked something over. Maybe my coffee is dumped on its side, draining down my pretty new desk. “Higginson Castile,” I say hurriedly as I try and find what mess I’ve made but come up empty.

“Higginson Castile?” Is that what I just said? Oh my God, I did.

Maddox lets out a laugh.

“Luna Higginson,” I get out finally.

“You sure?” the woman asks. I’m not sure of anything right now. The only thing I know is that I need to get this lady off the phone before I have to crawl under this desk with embarrassment.

“Call her Castile,” Maddox says loud enough for the woman to hear. His voice drops for only me. “It’s easier and it’s fine. Like I said. Has a nice ring to it.” He turns, strolling back to his desk. I watch him sit down casually. It’s not fine! I’ll start doodling the name. I am a doodler and I know I could make the name Castile look so pretty with my pen.

Imagine how nice my name would look written with the fancy pens Maddox got me. I am doodling with the champion of pens. My little scribbles are going to be amazing. I already know I’ll give in to the temptation and will be caught. I’m not even going to bother trying to hide it at this point.

“I thought I had it right,” the woman says with a smugness. “Saturday?” she asks again.

“Yeah, Saturday,” I confirm. I pull my eyes away from Maddox. I could stare at him all day if I let myself. I actually need to plan this party. I am running out of time. Who does something so big at the last minute? Someone who can afford to. That’s who. I pick up the black credit card, playing with it in my hand.

“Perfect. I have someone on the way to drop off fresh samples. They should be there in no time. If there is something you don’t like about them or want to change, please let me know and we’ll get it handled for you.”

“Thanks.” I am excited to see the flowers. I picked light pink and gold as the colors for the event. The pink peonies paired with miniature baby gold roses. I am dying to see it in person. I’ve always loved how big peonies can get. They start off all tucked in but bloom to life bigger than you ever thought they would.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Castile,” she says before hanging up. My heart gives a warm flutter of want. I drop the phone, trying to get back to work. I get lost in table settings for a while. I had no idea there could be so many tablecloths to pick from. It’s ridiculous how many there are. I can’t seem to pick a favorite.

“I give up.” I drop back in my chair, glaring at the computer screen. In a flash Maddox is next to me. I almost jump because I don’t know how he moved so quickly.

“What’s wrong, darling girl?” he asks. He keeps calling me darling. I wonder if it’s a term he uses on all women, like Larry at the bakery by my house, who calls everyone babe. We haven’t been around enough women together for me to find out.

“I can’t pick a tablecloth,” I admit. When I say it out loud I know it sounds silly. Stupid really. The task is so easy. He said pick whatever I wanted and now I’m bothering him with which one I should get. He hired me to do this job and I should be handling it by myself.

“There are too many to choose from.” He shakes his head, glaring at the computer screen with me. Him being annoyed with them too makes me smile.

“These remind me of your eyes, so why not those?” He points to one I have starred. I really like that one but thought it might be too girly. I don’t react to his comment about my eyes. I just tuck that little compliment away for later.

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