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Captured (Castile Family 1)

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“Are you sure?” I want to get everything right. All his friends and family are going to be there. I’m curious as to what they are coming together to celebrate but I wouldn’t dare ask. If he wanted me to know then he would have told me already. It could be a surprise party.

“I’ve never seen anything more breathtaking than your eyes. So of course they are the perfect choice.” He turns, leaving me speechless. My phone dings, reminding me to get back to work. When I look down, my heart drops. It’s a text from June. She never texts me. Everything has always been done in email. We’ve talked on the phone once and met in person one time too.

June: Why aren’t you responding to my e-mail?

Damn it. I think it sends her a read receipt so she knows I’ve seen the text.

June: Lunch today or you’re fired.

I am going to fail. Again. Maybe it is time to cut my losses.

“Can I take a lunch?” I look over to Maddox.

“Of course, I’m going to get you lunch.” He stands, ready to get it now apparently. “I was going to get it before the cake tasting at noon but we can eat now if you like. Did I not give you enough breakfast?”

My bagel was perfect. I am actually still a little full from it. It had the best cream cheese on it I’ve ever tasted.

“I forgot about the cake.” I lick my lips, putting my phone back down. I don’t want to go anywhere now.

“I’ll pop out and back in. I need to run a quick errand.” I don’t have to eat with June. I want to have the cake tasting with Maddox and eat whatever wonderful food he is going to get us for lunch. With the way he and MJ feed me I’ll never be able to fit into a dress for Saturday. Wait. I don’t even know if I am invited. I didn’t send myself one of those fancy invitations.

“I’ll call a car for you?” His hand comes down on my chair. He doesn’t look too happy about the idea.

“No, I’ll be fine.” I stand, grabbing my phone. “I’ll be quick.” I give Maddox one last long look before I turn to head for the door. He grabs my elbow in a firm but soft hold, turning me back to him. His mouth comes down on mine, stealing my breath for a moment in shock that he’s kissing me. I gasp when his tongue slides along the seam of my mouth asking for an invitation.

I part my lips, getting my first real taste of him. He tastes of mint and something else I can’t place. He deepens the kiss and I find myself pushing my body into his, wanting to be closer to him. When he pulls away I’m breathless. He takes a step back from me. I can’t read his face but I hate the space between us now.

“Go, darling girl.” I thought he was going to say something else. It felt like it was there on the tip of his tongue. I turn, half running from his office before I throw myself at him. I shout a See you later to Grant as I hit the elevator button over and over again. It finally opens. I fall inside, hitting the button for the lobby. When the doors finally close my hand goes to my lips, still feeling him there.

My phone dings again and I know it’s June. Demanding her lunch date. She has every right to. She is paying me for a job. Only I could be failing at two jobs at once.



“Let me get this straight. We’re casing a new hire of yours who happens to be stalking you but you don’t care because you’re going to marry her.” My brother, Cullen, cocks his head and examines me to see if I have lost my mind.

“That’s correct.” I tap the camera. “Can we zoom in? The cameras in my office have a zoom feature.” Luna is taking a seat across from a woman I’ve never seen before.

“Because you paid a fortune for that. This is a security camera in a coffee shop. We’re lucky they even have one.” He pulls my finger away. “Have you told Mom yet?”

“No. Luna herself is unaware of my plans and I believe that the bride should know before the mother of the groom.”

“Yeah, you’ve lost it. You’ve spent too much time up in your big skyscraper of an office and don’t realize you can’t just order people like you do food, cars, and buildings.” Cullen bites into his bagel.

“I haven’t ordered a thing. She came to me.” The woman across from Luna is agitated. “Why don’t we have audio?”

“Because you called me about ten minutes ago declaring that you had to hack into a security system in a café a block from your office and if I didn’t do it, someone may die.”

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