Captured (Castile Family 1) - Page 28

“You always did that for me.” I turn to look at her.

“Don’t.” She smiles through her tears. “This is a happy day and we’re keeping it that way.”

She’s right. We both know what the other means to us. “I was only going to say I love you.”

“I love you too.” She smiles again, the tears starting to fade.

She hands me two small boxes with a piece of paper. One box is pink and the other blue, both velvet wrapped. “Maddox wanted me to give you this.”

I open the note first.

My darling girl,

The pink box is yours and the blue your sister’s. It’s always been the two of you and I will always be thankful for all MJ has done to protect that sweet innocence of yours. Today you not only gain a family but MJ does too. We all already love you both but I know your bond to each other is deep and this is my way of showing you I will never come between that bond. That I in fact admire it and will protect it because it means something to you which makes it mean everything to me.

See you soon my wife. I love you.

Forever yours,

Maddox, your husband to be.

“This one is yours,” I tell MJ, handing her the blue box. She glances at the note.

“He really is a good man.” She sighs, sounding happy for me. We both open our boxes.

“Oh my God,” we both say at the same time. Inside are lockets attached to beautiful chains. When we open them, inside each is a picture taken the first day we moved into our place together. MJ is holding me close; we’re both smiling so big. I think because we knew we could do this on our own together. We were starting a new phase of our lives then. Now we are about to embark on another.

“We haven’t done so bad.” She nudges me. We haven’t.

“Thanks to you,” I remind her. She never gives herself enough credit. We put the necklaces on each other.

“You too, little sister. You gave me a reason to try so hard to want to be a better person. To work harder to make sure we had what we needed. I don’t think you’ll ever understand the joy you bring into people’s lives. You think you’re a hot mess but really you’re that spark in life we all need. The kind of person who gets back up when they’re knocked down and tries again. You thought all those failed professions are marks against you. I never thought that. You were looking for something and were determined to find it, no matter how many times you failed in your pursuit. That in itself is inspiring.”

“You just said no crying!” I can’t stop the tear that leaks out. MJ wipes it away for me.

Now I have all I need. My something new, Maddox and this dress, my something old and “borrowed” being the barrette MJ slid into my hair. I fold the note Maddox wrote me written in blue ink, tucking it into my chest for safe keeping for now. It is my something blue.

She grabs my hand. “Now let’s get you married. I think you found what you’ve been looking for this whole time and he’s not so patiently waiting.” We lock our fingers together as we head out of the room we got dressed in. When the doors open and I see Maddox at the end of the aisle I almost burst into tears. MJ gives my hand a squeeze, reminding me to get it together. She lets my hand go, locking her arm with mine as we walk down the aisle together.

Maddox stares at me while mouthing you’re beautiful as I make my way to him. He takes a few steps down the aisle in my direction as if he can’t wait a second longer to be by my side. MJ lifts my veil, then places my hand into his. Before going to take her place beside me, she whispers something into Maddox’s ear. His eyebrows raise and he almost looks a little frightened for a brief second. MJ pats him on the shoulder and walks to stand next to me. She has a devilish grin on her face.

I get lost in the words. I’m used to it by now. Whenever I’m near Maddox nothing else really matters. My brain isn’t fully functioning but just like the first moment I met him he gets me through it and doesn’t let me trip over my own feet.

The officiant tells Maddox he can kiss his bride. He doesn’t have to be told twice. I knew he’d been holding back from the minute the doors opened for MJ and me. I think the only reason he didn’t charge down the aisle and get me himself is because he knows it was MJ’s right to hand me off to him. To show him and everyone else she believed in him.

Tags: Ella Goode Castile Family Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024