Bring Him Home - Page 20

“I need you.” She turns her head, her mouth seeking mine. I lean in, kissing her deeply as I give her what she needs. As I’m strumming her clit I feel a surge of jealousy creep into me. Has anyone ever touched her pussy? The thought has me seeing red.

“Has anyone ever touched this needy little cunt before, Delilah?” The question pops out before I can even think about it.

“Only you. It’s only ever been touched by you,” she gets out.

This revelation makes my cock start to come in my sweatpants. I strum her clit faster, making her cry out into my mouth as her body jerks against mine. My cock finishes its orgasm the same time hers peaks. I’m sure my cum is soaking through onto her little silk nightie—marking her as mine now.

Her body completely melts into me. She lets out a small sigh as her mouth pulls from mine. Her breathing evens out and just like that she’s fast asleep in my arms. I bring my fingers to my mouth, licking her tangy sweetness from them. Wishing I could bury my face between her thighs and lick up all of that wetness she was embarrassed about. She would soon realize that her arousal made me feel like a king. It was proof that I got her worked up to that point. Finding out that no one had touched that pussy before me had me feeling like I’d won the fucking lottery. I will be her first in everything. I want to pound the fuck out of my chest right now.

I wrap my arms around her tightly, making sure she doesn’t try to slip from me in the night. I should get up and change my pants and clean myself up but I don’t move. Not giving a fuck.

I really am fucked.



I fidget in the clothes Drake gave me this morning for my first day of work. I don’t feel like myself dressed like this. I glance over at him to see he is staring a hole into me. I turn my head to look out the window to watch all the people and buildings pass by. I hope this car ride is short. I’m not very good at holding a grudge for long. I’m trying to make an exception to that today. I’m focusing all of my energy on holding on to my anger at Drake’s actions this morning. Let’s see how he likes the silent treatment.

“Are you not talking to me now?” Drake asks, sounding confused. When I awoke this morning he wasn’t in the bed. I was a mixture of relieved and sad about it, knowing that I’d have to face him at some point. I was still shocked at myself for crawling into his bed. I couldn’t help myself. I swear it was as if there was a pull for me to go to him. I have a habit of jumping before I look and that’s what I did last night. Still, I understand that people can change their view on a situation once the morning light is shining on it. Drake not being in the bed with me when I woke up had me thinking that he regretted what we did together last night. He probably woke up this morning and realized what he had done. Tears prick my eyes at the thought of him getting out of bed as quick as he could to distance himself from me.

I could hear him in the living room and it sounded like he was with the same woman from the night before. I slowly got up and tiptoed closer to the hallway door. I eavesdropped on their conversation for a minute before I decided to just rip the Band-Aid off and enter the living room. I strolled in there, not caring I was wearing just my panties and silky camisole. The green-eyed monster had crawled into me again once I’d heard that woman’s voice. I knew I looked good. I come from good country stock. I’ve never been ashamed of my body.

Their heads whipped around once they heard me enter the living room. Drake looked pissed as he took in the state of my clothes. Charlotte’s mouth hung open in shock. When I glanced around the room, I saw it was piled high with what looked like boxes of clothes and shoes. Charlotte was now staring at Drake like she was pissed at him too. I overheard her telling Drake that it was ridiculous that he hadn’t let me pick out my own clothes. Charlotte and I momentarily shared a look of what the heck is wrong with this man? This chick was growing on me.

I smirk, thinking about how I’m pretty sure Charlotte is Drake’s assistant but she’s now my ally. I can’t be mad at the girl. She was just trying to do her job. Drake obviously made her job include getting me some new clothes. She did her best to select things for me. I’m all for women of different shapes and sizes but I have more hips and boobs than I know what to do with most days. I’m aware that some girls are built small all over. We all dress according to our body. Although I appreciated the fact that Charlotte hand-picked these clothes, they look more for her body type than mine.

Tags: Ella Goode Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024