Bring Him Home - Page 6

Drake’s head snaps back from the window he’s been staring out for what seems to be an eternity when he hears the seatbelt unclip. I turn in my seat, ignoring the growl he lets out to indicate he wants me to put my seatbelt back on.

“I could stay with you!” The idea hits me quick. “If I’m with you maybe he’ll let me stay. He trusts you and I’ll be good. I promise.” I cup my hands together in front of me in a pleading gesture.

He raises an eyebrow at me like he doesn’t believe me.

“I can be good!” I half shout. “I’m always good. This is the first time I-” I trail off. Okay, maybe I’ve done a few other things. I just haven’t been caught.

“Finish what you were going to say,” he demands.

“Forget it.” I turn back in my seat, reaching for my seatbelt to put it back on. I let out a scream of surprise when I’m abruptly pulled from my seat and land right in Drake’s lap. My eyes go to his and I know I look like a fish out of water. His quickness gives me a brief moment of shock. My mind is trying to catch up with my body. How can he be that big and move so fast? I am definitely in his lap so I don’t know why I am still thinking about how he got me there. There is also the hard thing poking me that has all of my thoughts jumbled.

“I don’t think you can be a good girl.”

“You’re poking me.” I narrow my eyes at him. I immediately flush because holy shit cow, he is actually poking me. I meant that he was verbally trying to get me to spar with him, but now that I am in his lap that isn’t the only thing poking me.

I watch his lips fight a smirk. Of course he wins the battle. I’m sure there aren’t many he doesn’t. “Tell me the things you’ve been doing that you shouldn’t be.”

I shake my head no a little too hard, making my hair fly all around me.

“If you don’t give me what I want, I can’t give you what you want.” He leans back in his seat. The action makes my thighs part more, sliding more into him as I straddle his lap. My heart starts to thump in my chest at my position over him. I’ve had bigger animals between my thighs that I could control easily without even thinking about how to do it. The one thing you never do is let the animal feel that you are anything but calm and controlled. I know at this point there is no getting the racing of my heart to slow down while I am still straddling him like this. No matter how hard I try, I know that isn’t happening.

I watch his jaw tick, reminding myself he isn’t a horse. He’s a man. “Don’t,” he snaps. As if he’s reading my mind. The snap in his voice should piss me off, but my body doesn’t get the memo. I lick my lips, knowing I’m in way over my head with a man like Drake Weston. He’s an angry bull and I’m the matador waving my red cape at him.



I run my hand down my face in frustration. I don’t know how to deal with all of these strange feelings or for that matter any feelings at all. Right now I’m pretending that I have to think about the offer Delilah has presented to me. I’m not sure if I’m pretending for her sake or for mine. I think it’s more for me so that I can feel like less of a bastard for keeping her here for myself. If I was a better man, I would put her on my private jet and have her home within a few hours. I’m not a better man and I’m not letting her go anywhere. I make her wait for my decision, though. She doesn’t need to think that she already has the upper hand with me. When I walk in the door of my condo and flip the lock behind us, I have to temper the thought of putting a lock on the inside of the door so only I will be able to open it. Still, the thought lingers in my mind.

“I hope she didn’t give you much trouble,” Wyatt says with a sigh into the phone. Oh, she gave me trouble but I can’t tell him that. I can’t tell him that she’s ruined me for life now. I can’t tell him that I am never letting her go.

“She was a sweetheart.” The word sweetheart rolls off my tongue as if I’ve said it before.

“Really? I was sure she’d give you a fight.” I go to respond but he pulls the phone away to say something to his wife. I know she is on the phone with her daughter as we speak. I can hear Delilah talking as she wanders around my condo. I probably shouldn’t have left her alone but the idea of her snooping around in my shit doesn’t bother me in the least. I usually get edgy when the cleaners are here. I am a very private person and I hate when people touch or move my things. It surprises me that I feel a touch of happiness knowing that Delilah is all up in my shit. I want her to inject herself into my home as much as possible. The sooner she gets comfortable the better, since she will be living here forever now. She may not realize it right this second, but she will soon enough.

Tags: Ella Goode Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024