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Reclaiming His Wife

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* * *

“Come with me.”

I glance up from where I’ve just been lounging on the couch in the living room.

“What is it?”

Russell grins, twirling his bike keys in one hand, the other one mysteriously behind his back.

“We need to go somewhere.” He winks. “So, c’mon!”

I roll my eyes. “In what?” I giggle. “You tore my only piece of clothing off of me in like three pieces.”

“Well, there’s this.”

He pulls the hand out from behind his back, and my eyes go wide.

Russell grins.

“Remember this?”

In his hand, hanging on a hanger, is this little white sundress of mine—one I haven’t seen in years, since maybe the last time we were here. Possibly even before that.

“Oh my God, I loved that dress!”

He chuckles, handing it to me. “So, put it on and we’ll take off.”

“I don’t suppose you found any panties, did you?”

His grin turns wolfish. “If I did, believe me, I’d have made them disappear.”

I blush, rolling my eyes. “Is not having freaking panties on going to be a problem wherever it is you’re taking me?”

“Beautiful, you not wearing panties is never going to be a problem, as far as I’m concerned.”

I snort a laugh, shaking my head at him as I stand and slip the dress over my head.

“Damn,” Russell says quietly, his voice heavy and his eyes piercing into me as they drag up and down my body.

I blush. “Still fits okay?”

“Fuck yes,” he growls, pulling me into him and kissing me slowly. “Now let’s get out of here before I rip this one off too.”

* * *

We head down the small road from the turnoff to the cabin back towards the little downtown area. I press my cheek to his strong back, grinning like an idiot and holding him so tight.

This is perfect. Him, me, up here—the bike under us, the wind in our hair? Yeah, perfection. He revs the engine, and between that and the wind blowing up my bare legs, I gasp quietly, a little thrill teasing through my core.

God, do I love this. For five years, I was lost. I was adrift at sea, treading water and just trying to keep my head above the surface. And yet somehow, he came back. Somehow, he found his way back to me. And through whatever miracle that is, now that I’ve got my arms around him again, I’m never letting go.

We get to the downtown area, and Russell slows the bike until we come to a stop.

…Outside a church.

My jaw drops as he turns off the engine, turning to grin at me.

“Wait, are you serious right now?”

His grin widens, his eyes burning into mine.

“Technically, we’re not married anymore.” His eyes blaze as he takes my hands in his.

“Holy shit, that’s right…”

He chuckles, shaking his head sarcastically. “Damn, baby. You forget it was dissolved? Ouch.”

I roll my eyes, slapping him playfully.

“No, I just…”

“You did.”

I laugh. “With you back like this? Uh, yeah, I did. Because it sure doesn’t feel like it.”

“Well let’s make it official then,” he says quietly.

My brows shoot up. “Now?”

“Right now.”

My heart surges in my chest, and I squeal as I throw my arms around him.

“Yes! Let’s go in right now!”

Russell chuckles.

“Okay, not here, here, though.”

I frown, looking at him quizzically.

He grins. “Nah this was just theatrics.”

I groan, punching him in the arm before he laughs as pulls me in for a slow, deep kiss.

“Then where, smart-ass?”

There’s a whirring sound, and I frown, pulling away from him to glance up.

What in the world…

A big, luxury helicopter is dropping slowly out of the sky, aiming to land on the town green across from the church we’re parked out front of.

“Wait, what is this?”

“This is our ride.”

My jaw drops. “Okay, what in the world is going on right now?”

He grins, his eyes burning into mine.

“Right now, we’re going to get in that helicopter, fly to your dad’s estate, and we’re going to get married. Again.”

I shake my head, blinking in disbelief.

“Okay, but a helicopter? Russell, this is going to cost a fortu—”


He stops me with a kiss, taking my hands in his before he pulls back. His eyes spark, and the damned perfect grin of his pulls across his face.

“I have to tell you something.”

I swallow, my heart racing.

“I need to tell you about what I found in the desert.”

* * *

Two hours later, during which he tells me the whole story about the gold and absolutely blows my mind, we’re landing at my dad’s estate. I once thought my wedding day was the happiest day of my life. But it’s quickly taking a second place to this one.

My second wedding. To the same man.

Our friends and family are all there, too. Meredith, and Carlos and his wife and their little girl. Russell apparently called his parents and brought them to tears with the realization that he’s alive when he first landed back in the U.S., but this is the first time they’ve seen their son in five years. And watching them throw their arms around him and hold him so tight brings me to tears too.

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