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Reclaiming His Wife

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The whole thing is amazing.

And in spite of the fortune Russell came home with, we keep it true to us—easy, laid back, and fun. Russell wears jeans and a loose button-up. I wear the white sundress, sans panties. My dad’s on the mend, but he and Russell’s dad walk me down the aisle—Mr. Kane helping my dad the whole way.

And then I’m back at the altar, back in front of the only man I’ve ever loved, who was lost to me, and then came back to me. We say, “I do” again, and this time, it’s forever.

Because not even death can take us apart.



So, just to get it out of the way, yes, Darren went to prison. Not even regular prison, he went to that kind of prison where they forget you fucking exist. Some place off the map.

…Good fucking riddance.

They ended up getting his dad actually too. As it turned out Mr. Hostile Takeover thought he was above paying taxes, and the Feds nailed him for it. After going after Juliana’s company? Fuck him, too.

She’s all mine now. Again. For years, when I was lost out there in that hell in the desert, I hung on to this idea that I’d get back to her. There was even a part of me that knew it was just something to keep me going, but I clung to it nonetheless. And when I kept hanging on to it, it became real in my head. It wasn’t just a nice thought, it was a reality.

I would get back to her. Period.

And I did.

I ended up taking the money from the gold and splitting it equally between me, Carlos, and the families of the brothers we lost back in the desert. Carlos, true to form, told me to go fuck myself, and that the money was mine, fair and square. I told him to fuck himself right back and made him take it.

I mean seriously, what is it with all these people not wanting millions of dollars?

I used mine to save Cardellini Foods and pull the company out of its money issues. And once the ship was righted, business went right back to normal. Better, even. Juliana’s dad shook himself out of his mourning and went back to steering the company evenly. And under his renewed efforts, they did even better than normal.

But slowly, Jules took over for her dad at the helm of their company. And man is she a kick-ass boss lady. Don’t get me started on those pencil skirts and heels, because how the fuck I ever even let her leave the house when she puts that on in the morning is beyond me. As it is, she usually goes in to the office with my cum leaking into her panties.

…She usually gets round two around lunch time, with the shades drawn and her office door locked, too.

And as for me? It’s a funny thing, coming back from the dead. I’ve got some baggage to deal with. Okay, a lot of it. But I did okay on the trauma front. And honestly, it’s all because of her.

It’s because of my wife.

It’s because hanging on to her and the thought of her all those years kept me sane and kept me in the land of the living when I think a lot of guys may have thrown in the towel.

There’s a lot of the cash from my take of the gold left over, even after helping the company out. I’ve used some of it start a fund for vets with PTSD, and another to help the families who lose loved ones over there get on their feet. War is hell. I was just lucky enough to have an angel waiting for me, and that gave me the strength to fight.

I fought that devil, and I won. And that’s all because of her.

Beyond that, I just take life one day at a time. I’ve got my bike to work on. I’ve got my gorgeous, amazing wife to hold, and to love. And we’ve got frequent trips up to the cabin.

And really, all of that is everything I need.

…That is, until the baby comes.

The End.

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