Her Double Mountain Outlaws - Page 54

“Shit, how’d we get you again?”

“Caleb got shot?”

They roared out laughter, pulling me close and then each kissing me as they scoped me into their arms.

“The real question is,” Caleb purred. “How do we hang on to you?”

“Sounds like you could just catch another bullet, man.”

Caleb punched Landon in the arm, making me giggle.

“What if instead of that, you just both keep on being incredible, and I won’t be going anywhere.”

“Sounds like a deal,” Caleb murmured, leaning close.

“Yeah, done,” Landon echoed.

Their arms went around me as we all looked out over the slopes, valleys, and ridges of Blackthorn Mountain spread about in front of us. The sun was just coming out over the horizon, and I could feel the warmth of it teasing over me.

“You know…” I said quietly, biting my lip as I glanced up into both of their eyes. “I don’t know if you’re interested, but I’ve got this really tiny bed that we might not all fit into, but—”

“Yes,” they both growled at the same time before chuckling.

“Hell yes,” Caleb murmured, kissing me.

“Lead the way, angel,” Landon whispered as he kissed me next.

“I love you,” I said quietly. “Both of you.”

The sun came up, my hands slid into theirs, and I knew it was all going to be just fine.

But probably, it was going to be great.



This was never the life I’d expected.

…It was better.

It’s one I never dreamed of, and I’m glad I didn’t, because the reality is even better than anything a dream could ever come up with.

With some help from our friends, Landon and Caleb got the parlor fixed up and back in business. We renovated and expanded the living space above it too—renovations like tearing down a few walls. Renovations like only having one bedroom, because what was the point of having more than that?

I moved in with them, of course. It meant Lucy was going to need a new roommate, but then that whole thing with Agent Turner happened and—

…Well, that’s a different story for a different day. She’d do a better job of telling it anyways.

But I moved in with Landon and Caleb, and life settled in. The clinic got busier and busier as the local people heard more about it, and soon enough, I had to hire another vet, an attendant, and front desk person to handle it all. It unfortunately meant a lot less locker room shenanigans with my guys. But luckily, part of our renovations on the apartment was a shower big enough to fit three.

Three and a nice, padded, waterproof bench.

We had a sort of “coming out” party where I told Jackie about the three of us, half expecting some judgement. But of course, this was my sister, and she wasn’t bothered one bit. She was just happy for us, and once she menaced Landon and Caleb enough about what the consequences would be if they hurt me, we were all good. Hell, even Simon mellowed the fuck out. Caleb says he just needed some strong male role models in his life.

Up here on Blackthorn, no one cares. No one is bothered by there being three of us together. Okay, maybe some lingering looks here and there, but mostly, they’re jealous looks from other women.

And hey, I get it. I’m a lucky girl, and trust me, I know that. Two gorgeous guys who hardly let my feet touch the ground? Uh, yes please. It’s a fairytale come true. But, you know, one with two princes for one lucky princess.

Even though Jackie was convinced I was going to end up as inked as Landon and Caleb, the piece they both did on my hip and thigh was basically the extent of my tattooing adventures. Well, no, I did get one more. We all did, actually. A triangle, with a heart on the inside.

It’s us. Three equal sides, supporting each other, with love tying us all together. No jealousy, no drama.

Just love, trust, lots of lust, and everything in between.

And that’s just about everything we need.

The End.

Tags: Madison Faye Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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