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Cruz (Hot Shots 2)

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I watch as Mateo paddles closer to shore. Seeing a killer wave coming in behind him, he pops up at the right time, and he’s making it work. Mateo told me waves on the east coast are nothing like some of the west coast or even in Hawaii, but there was no way he was going out to chase that kind of an adrenaline rush.

It’s like he’s one with the ocean, smooth and effortless until he’s at the shore. I’m not sure how the timing and things go with this. I only checked online briefly, not wanting to look dumb by playing twenty-one questions. I figured we’d just play it by ear. He walks toward us. I stand to my feet, shaking the sand off Sailor, then myself. I’ll be meeting Mateo halfway. I think back to everything that’s happened to us, the way we were robbed of so much time. How Mateo could have made my life hell if he didn’t want anything to do with me but only want Sailor. I would have been devastated not for the fact that he’d wanted a relationship with our son, because it’s only fair, but it was definitely over the fact that he could be mad enough to walk away. He didn’t though. Mateo and I weathered the storm. “Da-da.” Sailor points to his daddy, and we make our way down to the shore. Well, as far as we can get to where it’s not sectioned off for only surfers. There are definitely perks that come with being associated with Mateo Cruz here in Cocoa Beach, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever take advantage of him.

“We’re going, little man. You want to go in the water with Daddy, don’t you?” I coo into his ear. His little face lights up, his head bobbing up and down.

“I don’t blame you,” I respond. We’re halfway to Mateo when a figure stops right in front of us, blocking our path. I figure it’s just a passerby and say, “Excuse me,” but the guy doesn’t move. It’s not until I look up that I see just who’s standing in front of me. River Harris, the man who is what nightmares are made of.

“I said excuse me.” My voice is firm.

“Funny, figured you were a beach bunny. Not surprised in the least you’d have his bastard child.” My mouth drops open wide in shock. How anyone could say that to someone they don’t know is appalling.

“I’d like to say it was a pleasure seeing you again, but it wasn’t,” I somehow state without my voice wavering, stepping around him, until I see Mateo. The firm set in his jaw lets me know this was not part of his plan. So, when River touches my shoulder, Mateo sees red, and the only thing I can do is get out of the way for Sailor and my sake.



I kept my cool the entire time I clocked River. Nothing has changed appearance wise—he still wears white linen pants and a flamboyant shirt with some kind of floral pattern on it. The only thing that’s different now is that my eyes are wide open. In the past, when he was my manager, it was easy to ignore things, because it wasn’t affecting me. Clearly, that wasn’t the way to think, and I’m definitely not the same person I was back then. Luna and Sailor are to thank for that.

When I see her veer away from him, only for River to grab her shoulder, it’s game fucking over. I was trying to wait for Saint to be closer. Clearly, that’s not happening.

“There you are.” Luna is trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s no way around it.

“Luna, come here,” I grunt out, trying to hide my anger from her, knowing she hates when anyone is like this. Apparently, Luna never liked yelling, and it always frightened her, but when River pulled his shit, it only amplified it.

“I’m coming, but Mateo, don’t do something that will take you away from us. He’s already done that enough.” My woman, so fucking strong, stronger than she should ever have to be, and there’s no doubt about it. As soon as this shit is taken care of, I’ll be making her my wife.

“I won’t.” Once she’s beside me, Sailor launches himself toward me, taking away the heavy feeling in my arms that makes me feel the need to beat the shit out of River Harris. There’s nothing that calms me down more than these two. I switch Sailor to my other arm, wrapping Luna up on the opposite side.

“This is touching. Really. But you and I have things to talk about.” River puffs out his chest, trying to appear like he’s head and shoulders taller than me, but the fact of the matter is, he’s shorter, not at all intimidating.

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