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Cruz (Hot Shots 2)

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“We have nothing to talk about, but you will be hearing from my attorney.” I watch as he lets things sink in. When I spoke to Slade, the only thing I could see was red. Sure, beating his ass would make me feel better, at least in that particular moment. I knew that sitting in jail and having Luna worry over me, leaving her alone with Sailor, wasn’t going to work. Instead, I did something that would leave a man like River Harris crumbling. I’m going after his wallet. See, when he was my manager, he signed a non-disclosure and a morality agreement.

“I don’t see why I would be hearing from your attorney,” he stammers out. Right on cue enters Saint. “Are you River Harris?” he asks. When I spoke to my attorney, he said we could have someone serve the papers to Harris. Saint stepped in. That fucker is a jack of all trades, I tell ya.

“Yes,” River states.

“You’ve been served.” Saint presses the papers against his chest until River holds on to them. We don’t stick around to watch him read it. I had Slade do some digging and found out what River’s net worth is and what liquidable assets he owned. Let’s just say, if the judge allows it, he won’t have two pennies to rub together. Not that I need his money. And it’s something I still need to talk to Luna about, because she’s the one who suffered the most. I figure we’ll set some of it aside for Sailor. The rest we can figure out as it comes. Knowing Luna, though, whatever we don’t need for ourselves, we’ll donate to charity.

“I know we have a lot to discuss, and we will, but can it be over lunch? I’m starving,” I murmur into Luna’s ear.

“Yeah, but first, introduce me to your friend?” I move us all so we’re far enough away from River, not knowing what he’ll do when he opens the papers.

“Luna, this is Saint. Saint, this is Luna and Sailor. Grateful as hell that you were able to help.” I shake his hand, slapping his back when we do a side hug.

“Anything to stay away from cold-ass Montana. It’s nice to meet you, Luna.” He steps away from me, hugs Luna, and then plucks Sailor out of my arms like it’s his right to do so.

“The fuck, man?” I question. Luna slaps my stomach and says, “Language. His first word will not be a cuss word, Mateo Cruz.”

“Let Uncle Saint have some time, dude. Little momma over there looks like she could use you right about now.” He nods at Luna.

“I’m fine, Mateo. Confused, but I’m fine. My only worry was only ever about you. I’ll be damned if you’re taken away from us again.” Luna is full of grit and grace.

“That wasn’t going to happen. I’ll tell you more over lunch, but with the help of my brothers, there’ll be little to no blowback. If we’re lucky, we won’t even have to go to court. We’ll just need to give a deposition. Something tells me River won’t want to be in the spotlight for the wrong reasons.” I kiss her temple as we follow Saint to the restaurant that’s right on the beach. It may only be mid-morning at best, but getting up at five o’clock in the morning, getting in some practice, working at the Wet Spot, and making sure everything was set up, I’m starving and ready for the day to be over.

“Well, when you put it like that, it shows you have both brains and brawn.” She giggles at her joke.

“And I’ll show you exactly what I have when Sailor takes his nap.” I squeeze her hip, bringing her closer to me. Luna doesn’t care that I’m getting her damp.

“I know you will. Now feed me. Caffeine only lasts so long, and the way we’re going at it, I’ll be off it for a while in another month.” And damn, do I love the sound of that.



“No way, are you kidding me?” I ask Mateo. He’s standing in the kitchen shirtless, low-slung shorts showing off his V—a V that I love to lick every time I get a chance to—a kitchen towel draped over his shoulder while he’s stirring the red sauce in a pot that’s simmering on the stove. This is the life.

“Nope, your brother called the house, I answered. He said your parents were coming into town, and mine are on their way already, should be here tomorrow. They’ll be fine, not needing a place to sleep. Dad has his trucker hat on and is driving the RV down. But where are we going to put your parents?” he asks. It wasn’t long ago when Tripp and Mateo had a knockdown dragged-out argument. It sucked, and I mean it really sucked. I understood where my brother was coming from. He watched me do the best I could for far too long. His words, not mine. Thank goodness it didn’t escalate, and Mateo let Tripp have his say. When push came to shove and it was time for him to tell my brother everything, I was in his corner. In fact, I stayed next to him, my hand in his showing my solidarity. Needless to say, Tripp stormed out. He needed to blow off steam like most men do. When he calmed down, we sat down, the two of us that time, and I told him everything, not leaving anything out. It wasn’t easy, but it did end in us hugging and him shaking Mateo’s hand, so I took it as a win, and he’s been around a lot more lately.

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