Moving Pictures (Discworld 10) - Page 284

'How very fascinating.'

The Patrician leaned the other way, to Ginger and Victor. To his mild surprise they were looking extremely tense. He'd noticed that as soon as they had walked into the Odium. The boy looked at all the ridiculous ornamentation as if it was something dreadful, and when the girl had stepped into the pit proper he'd heard her gasp.

They looked as though they were in shock.

'I expect this is all perfectly commonplace to you,' he said.

'No,' said Victor. 'Not really. We've never been in a proper picture pit before.'

'Except once,' said Ginger grimly.

'Yes. Except once.'

'But, ah, you make moving pictures,' said the Patrician kindly.

'Yes, but we never see them. We just see bits of them, when the handlemen are gluing it all together. The only clicks I've ever seen were on an old sheet outdoors,' said Victor.

'So this is all new to you?' said the Patrician.

'Not exactly,' said Victor, grey-faced.

'Fascinating,' said the Patrician, and went back to not listening to Dibbler. He had not got where he was today by bothering how things worked. It was how people worked that intrigued him.

Further along the row Soll leaned across to his uncle and dropped a small coil of film in his lap.

'This belongs to you,' he said sweetly.

'What is it?' said Dibbler.

'Well I thought I'd have a quick look at the click before it got shown-'

'You did?' said Dibbler.

'And what did I find, in the middle of the burning city scene, but five minutes showing nothing but a plate of spare ribs in Harga's Special Peanut Sauce. I know why, of course. I just want to know why this.'

Dibbler grinned guiltily. 'The way I see it,' he said, 'if one little quick picture can make people want to go and buy things, just think what five minutes' worth could do.'

Soll stared at him. .

'I'm really hurt by this,' said Dibbler. 'You didn't trust me. Your own uncle. After I gave you my solemn promise not to try anything again, you didn't trust me? That wounds me, Soll. I'm really wounded. Whatever happened to integrity round here?'

'I think you probably sold it to someone, Uncle.'

'I'm really hurt,' said Dibbler.

'But you didn't keep your promise, Uncle.'

'That's got nothing to do with it. That's just business. We're talking family here. You got to learn to trust family, Soll. Especially me.'

Soll shrugged. 'OK. OK.'


'Yes, Uncle.' Soll grinned. 'You've got my solemn promise on that.'

'That's my boy.'

At the other end of the row, Victor and Ginger were staring at the blank screen in sullen horror.

Tags: Terry Pratchett Discworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024