New York Rain - Page 19

And that voice made her weak at the knees, while shooting heat through her every vein and artery.

“Jade! Jade, wait!”

Brenton Huxley.

He sprinted through the sand to get to her, dropping his briefcase onto the sand and throwing away his phone as he ran. Joy beamed on his face in the last rays of the dying sun as it finally sank into the Pacific Ocean.

“Brenton! What on earth are you doing?! How did you find me?!” exclaimed Jade, shocked to the core with disbelief and surprise.

He ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her. The sweet, powerful aroma of his manliness filled her nostrils, and the steely power of his muscled arms enclosed her in their warmth.

“I saw the news, Jade, I saw the news. And I realized immediately what a terrible, terrible mistake I had made. I called my chopper pilot to get ready to pick me up from LA airport, got some friends in the FBI to get a trace on your cellphone location, and then ran out of the meeting I was in and chartered a jet to get across the country. It didn't matter. Nothing matters any more, nothing but... Nothing but you.”

“Brenton, I-”

“Shh,” he said softly, holding a finger up to her lips.

She could taste the saltiness of his sweat, and she began to feel arousal pulsating its heat through her body.

“You don't need to say anything Jade. Nothing. It's me, it was all me, all my fault. I've done an awful, awful thing Jade. I made the biggest mistake of my life that day I pushed you out of my life. If only I hadn't been such an idiot! Just now, I read all those messages that you send me months ago, explaining what happened. And it ripped my heart in two, to know what I had thrown away. To know what I had done to you these past few months, over that horrible misunderstanding... It broke me in two, Jade. Nothing has affected me so profoundly since my parents' death all those years ago. And it made me realize, Jade, that you were all I needed, all I wanted.”

“Brenton, I-”

“Shh Jade, I said that you don't need to speak.”

“But there is something that I want to tell you...”

“Tell me then.”

Jade leaned in and pressed her dark lips against Brenton's pale lips, parting them gently and then sliding her tongue into his mouth. She wrapped her arms around his broad, strong back, and felt his arms pull her in close and tight as he reciprocated the embrace. Their tongues danced in one another's mouths as the flames of passion roared with intensity within each of their bodies, and they fell onto the sand, gripping each other tight and kissing with a fury that neither of them had ever before experienced.

Above them the stars twinkled gently in the LA sky, and the Pacific ocean lapped its waves against the golden sand in the growing dusk.

This time, this was a memory that the Pacific would retain, and not forget. For this, the Pacific had a memory – a memory that would last forever. It would not forget this moment, and neither would Brenton.

And Jade – she certainly wouldn't forget it either.

The Billionaire’s doubt

(Billionaire Pregnancy BWWM Romance)

By Riley Moreno

Harold Washington was the big man in town and he knew it. At 48 years old he was also a widow who was lonely. But Harold was particular to his women. He liked them sure, but he had always just wanted something simpler. Since his wife has passed he didn’t allow anyone to get too close to his heart. He didn’t want the pain of losing a loved one ever again.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. “Plus I hate a woman who is only after me for my money!” He sneered at the thought of all those gold diggers he’d met in the past.

They were the ones who turned his stomach the most. He hated them with a passion. Harold knew exactly why he had this anger in him. It was his step mom he’d always thought about when he thought of gold diggers.

His father had been lonely after his divorce and she had been a pretty little blonde. Harold pictured her 5’ 2” stance perfectly still, the day he met her he knew what she was about. He could tell she didn’t love his dad. Nope she was only after the old man’s money that bitch.

He really couldn’t stand her. Thankfully, his father had gotten wise in the end and divorced her. Harold remembered the day she came crawling back crying to him.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024