Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 53

“Then how does she win?” Faith eased out of the doorway. She moved to the other side of Reese, sat down on the edge of the bed, and began licking her piece of licorice.

Reese bit back a groan at the sight of Faith’s tongue circling the stick of candy. He muttered a curse under his breath, damning himself for being such a fool. He shrugged out of his vest and casually draped it across his lap. “By using her feminine wiles.”

Faith laughed at him. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, but I am.” The look in his brown eyes confirmed the truth of his statement. “When she looks at me with those big gray eyes, I willingly part with my money.” His voice was low, husky, filled with need. He stared at Faith’s mouth. “Must be another family trait.”

The impact of his words slammed into her. She began to tremble, too stunned by the desire etched in his face to do anything. She simply stared back and waited for him to kiss her.


The moment was lost.

Reese turned to look at Joy. “What is it, sprite?” He took deep breaths, hoping to restore some of his control. God, that look in Faith’s eyes! The invitation there was a look men dreamed of seeing.

“Are we gonna play?” Joy demanded his attention.

Reese removed his watch from his vest pocket, flipped it open, stared at the dial, then looked at Faith. “I think Faith came to tell us it’s time to eat.” He winked at Faith.

“I came to apologize,” Faith announced.

“And…?” Reese encouraged, winking at her again.

“And to tell you it’s…time for Joy to wash up for lunch.”

“I don’t want to!” Joy stood up and swept the pile of cards and the pennies off the table. “I want to play with Weese!” She glared up at Faith, a sullen expression on her determined, little face.

“Joy!” Faith was shocked at Joy’s behavior. She rushed to pick up the cards littering the floor.

“Leave them alone,” Reese said softly. “Joy threw them down. Joy will pick them up. Won’t you, sprite?”

“No!” She stamped her little foot for emphasis.

“Sprite, you will pick up the cards and the pennies, won’t you?” Reese tried again. He spoke softly, as before, but there was a definite edge to his words.

“I won’t!” Joy searched Reese’s face for signs of anger. Finding none, she tried her hand at cajoling. “Faith will pick them up.”

Faith gasped at the blatant manipulation.

“Faith didn’t throw them down,” Reese pointed out.

“Reese, she’s?” Faith attempted to intervene.

“She’s jealous,” Reese pronounced, “of you. And the time I spend with you. She’s having a temper tantrum because you came in and spoiled her fun.” He looked at Faith, recognizing the anxiety on her face.

“Please, don’t spank her.”

“Trust me.” He smiled. “I know how to handle jealous females.” He ushered Faith out of the room, then turned his attention back to Joy.

Faith hovered anxiously outside the door, listening for the first sounds of trouble. Minutes later, Reese opened the door and stepped out.

“What happened?”

“I explained the terms. Joy will stay in her room until she picks up the cards and pennies and apologizes for her behavior. No lunch, no dolls”?he held up Joy’s companions?“and no conversation.”


“We’re at a standoff,” Reese admitted, tossing the dolls into a chair. “She’s stubborn. She’s thinking over my offer. She’s cautious, too. Must be another?”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024