Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 73

My work is very easy, even enjoyable. I enjoy taking care of the children and supervising the staff. In addition to Joy, and my charge, there are two other children on the ranch. Taking care of them is very simple.

The year is passing very quickly. I will be home before you know it. I enclose drawings of the ranch and its inhabitants from Joy.

Most of the sketches are of Brutus. We send our love and we hope everything is going well. How is the new roof? Take care of yourselves.

My best to all,


Faith quickly sealed the letter, hiding the half-truths and vague descriptions. She wanted to write the complete truth, but evasions were necessary. She couldn’t bear to describe Reese or her feelings for him in a letter that would be read by the Richmond Ladies Sewing Circle and repeated by Aunt Virt to gossips like Lydia Abbott. She didn’t dare breathe the true nature of their relationship. Aunt Tempy knew the truth. That was enough.

Thinking of Tempy, Faith pulled out another sheet of paper.

She wrote a brief note meant only for Tempy’s eyes: It’s done. I’ll keep you informed as time progresses. Love to you, Faith.

She folded the note into an envelope and addressed it to Temperance, then placed it with the other for mailing.

* * *

March drifted into April, the days passing, one much like the other until the morning of the second week. Faith awakened in Reese’s arms, sat up in bed, and barely made it to the basin in time.

Reese was one step behind her, holding her head, wiping her face, when the spasms ended. “Better?”

She nodded, reaching for her toothbrush and tooth powder.

“I was hoping we were going to miss this stage.” Reese murmured, smoothing back her tangled hair, kissing her ear. He poured a glass of water from the pitcher and handed it to her.

Faith rinsed her mouth. “What stage?”

“The morning sickness.” Reese told her. “Sweetheart,”—the endearment had become second nature to Reese—“you and I are going to have a baby.”

“How long have you known?” she asked.

“Just as long as you have.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to bed. “Your body has changed. Your breasts are tender. Your waist a bit thicker.”

Faith frowned at him, her hands going to her waist.

Reese smiled, “It’s a subtle change,” he assured her. “One only a thorough and extremely ardent lover would notice. Were you hoping to keep it a secret?” He wouldn’t blame her if she’d contemplated it. It had been a relief not to have to think about the contract for a while. But the brief respite was over. Faith was pregnant.

“No,” she answered, softly, “I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret. I just needed a little time to get used to the idea.” She glanced up at him, hoping she hadn’t upset him. It had been such a relief not to think about her reason for being in his bed.

Reese simply nodded, understanding. He needed time to adjust as well.

“Do you think anyone else knows?” Faith asked.

“Sarah might suspect, but I don’t think anyone else knows for sure.” Reese lowered himself to the edge of the bed, leaned over, and brushed her forehead with his lips. “Would you feel better if we kept this to ourselves a little longer?”

Faith nodded.

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Reese promised. He got up from the bed and began to dress. A sudden realization took him by surprise. “Except for David. Faith, we have to tell David.” Reese cringed at the thought of her reaction.

“Yes, I suppose we do.” she agreed. “It is part of the contract.” Her voice quivered a little when she answered.

The sound of the tremor bothered Reese. He rushed to reassure her. “But we won’t tell anyone else. Not yet, okay?”

“Okay.” Faith managed a smile.

“Do you feel up to breakfast?” Reese asked, “I worked up quite an appetite last night.” he teased.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024