Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1) - Page 84


“I’ll take it.” She removed her bed jacket and took the robe. When she was securely wrapped in velvet, Reese scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the stairs to the dining room.

* * *

“Surprise!” The dining room erupted with joyful shouts the minute Reese walked through the door with Faith in his arms. “Happy Birthday!”

“Oh!” Faith swept her gaze over the familiar faces. The members of Reese’s family were crowded into the dining room, but her one invited guest was absent. Reese lowered her into a dining room chair.

“I don’t know what to say,” Faith began. “I thought you had forgotten.” She looked at Mary, then at Sarah.

“We know.” Mary groaned, looking for all the world like a long-suffering martyr.

“Thank you,” Faith said simply. “Thank you all.”

“Look, Faith!” Joy bounced up and down next to Faith’s chair. “Sarah made you a birfday cake!” She pointed to the large confection of flour, eggs and sugar. “And we all got you presents. Can we open them now? And eat the cake?” Joy’s eyes sparkled greedily.

Faith glanced at Sarah, then down at her young sister. “We probably need to have supper first. The cake will spoil your appetite.” It was hard to contain her own excitement. She hadn’t had a birthday cake since her sixteenth birthday. She looked up at Reese. “Where’s Doctor McMurphy? I thought he was here.”

“That was a ruse to get you downstairs.” Reese couldn’t help the frown marring his handsome face. “I hate to disappoint you, but the doctor sent word he’d been delayed. He said not to wait supper on him. He’ll be late.”

“Then I guess we should start.” Faith was hurt by the hostile tone in Reese’s voice. Some of her delight in the wonderful birthday surprise evaporated.

“Thank goodness!” David announced from the doorway of the dining room. “I’m so hungry I could eat a bear!”

“David!” Faith exclaimed, excited once again. “This is a surprise! How did you get here?”

“By train,” David replied. “Reese sent for me.”

“How is everything in Richmond? Is everything settled? How are my aunts? How is Aunt Tempy?”

“Why don’t you ask her?” David stepped aside to reveal Temperance Hamilton.

“Aunt Tempy!” Faith cried, tears of joy shimmering in her eyes. “Oh, Aunt Tempy…”

Temperance ran to her niece and hugged her tightly.

“How did you get here?” Faith wanted to know.

“I came with David.” Temperance smiled, smoothing Faith’s hair away from her face. “Happy Birthday, darling.”

“You came with David? Reese sent for you?”

“Of course,” Tempy told her. “How else?”

Faith looked up and found Reese.

“Surprise,” he said.

A lump formed in Faith’s throat. Tears slipped down her cheeks. She tried to thank him, but words failed her. She simply gazed at him, her love for him shining in her eyes.

Reese stepped forward and took her hand. He raised it to his lips and tenderly brushed her knuckles with his lips. “Happy Birthday, Faith.”

The last of the supper dishes had been cleared away and most of the gifts presented to the birthday girl before Doctor Kevin McMurphy entered the dining room.


h glanced up as he stepped inside the doorway. “Doctor Kevin, I’m so glad you made it! We waited to cut the cake.” She extended her hand toward him. “Come in, come in. There’s someone special I’d like you to meet. Reese surprised me by sending for her.” Faith took Kevin’s hand in hers.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Jordan-Alexander Family Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024