Barely a Bride (Free Fellows League 1) - Page 48

“Just his sense of self-preservation,” Griff retorted.

“He made his remarks to us,” Colin said. “Here at the club. His Grace said he knew he’d find us here because everyone else was at Lady Harralson’s or Madam Theodora’s. And he was right. The club was practically empty. His Grace called us your ‘fellow cohorts’ and said he was certain we would see that you got the message. Apparently, he has some feelings for your bride-to-be, because His Grace took exception to the fact that a gentleman would actually bribe another gentleman with livestock—his words, not ours—in order to secure a bride.”

“He ought to take exception to the fact that Tressingham could be so easily manipulated and bribed by the promise of livestock.” Griff fought to control his rising temper. “I did.”

“That didn’t stop you from bribing him,” Jarrod pointed out.

“Of course it didn’t.” Griff pinned Jarrod with a sharp look. “It wouldn’t have stopped you, or Colin, or His Grace, either. I wanted Lady Alyssa, and I used whatever weapons I had at hand to win her. Fair and square. His Grace is upset not only because he lost to a mere viscount but because he didn’t put forth any real effort into winning her.”

“Who did you win?” Jarrod asked. “Lord Tressingham or his daughter?”

“Both. Blister it!” Griff slammed his glass down on the table. “I had to win Tressingham to get his daughter. But he was only a means to an end. Sussex gave up too easily. The truth is that I would have ended my pursuit of her if I had thought she cared anything about the duke.”

“Would you?” Jarrod questioned.

“Yes,” Griff answered. “I wouldn’t have enjoyed it, but I would have stepped aside if she had wanted to be a duchess—or a Marchioness.” He looked at his two blood brothers. “I didn’t deprive her of the life she wanted. Quite the contrary. She prefers a lesser title. She wants to be a viscountess. She chose me and Abernathy Manor over His Grace and his too-perfect gardens.”

“I’ll be damned.” Jarrod whistled. “I’ve known lots of women who settled for less, but I’ve never heard of any woman who actually wanted less than she could have had.”

“Why not?” Griff demanded. “You know men who want less complicated lives. You are one.”

Jarrod smiled. “Why, yes, I guess I am.”

“Why should women be any different? You’ve always said you’d rather be a marquess than a duke any day. It’s the same for Lady Alyssa and many other women. Why take on the responsibilities o

f a higher rank when you know you could be perfectly happy with a lesser one?”

“I never thought about it like that,” Colin admitted.

Jarrod nodded. “I suppose you’re right.”

“And you should thank your lucky stars Lady Alyssa had lower aspirations, else you might find yourself with Lady Tressingham as your mother-in-law.”

Jarrod grinned. “You seem to think the bride is worth the aggravation.”

“She is,” Griff confirmed.

“Good, because His Grace may not give up as easily as you think.”

“He’ll have to. Lady Alyssa and I have an understanding. She has dreams of her own that make her the perfect sort of wife for a Free Fellow.” Griff finished his brandy, then held up his index finger, indicating that he would like one more glass of brandy.

“So…” Colin drawled, pouring the final round of drinks. “When’s the wedding?”

“The announcement will appear in tomorrow’s edition of the Morning Chronicle and the Times. And I believe Mother and Alyssa decided the wedding will be Friday morning,” Griff replied, matter-of-factly. “At Saint Paul’s. And we’re leaving for Abernathy Manor right after the wedding breakfast.” Griff glanced from Colin to Jarrod and back again. “I’d like to ask you to stand up for me, but…”

“Free Fellows don’t attend weddings,” Colin said. “Except our own. When we’ve no other choice.”

“We won’t be there,” Jarrod said. “But our thoughts will be with you.” He whistled through his teeth. “I must confess I’m impressed. I didn’t think it was possible to put a society wedding together that quickly.”

“Alyssa is determined to make it possible.” Griff smiled. “Earlier this evening, she and my mother were planning to mobilize an army of household staff to make it possible.”

“You know you’re welcome to mine,” Jarrod offered. “My London staff and the staff of Shepherdston Hall. Will you be stopping off at the hall on your way to Abernathy Manor?”

Griff had made a habit of breaking up the daylong journey from London to Abernathy Manor with a stopover and change of horses at Shepherdston Hall. It had become such a habit that Jarrod had given Griff a permanent suite of rooms at the hall and kept a team of Griff’s horses in his stables so Griff was able to exchange one team of his horses for another team of his own horses.

“For a brief respite and a change of horses,” Griff said. “If you don’t mind.”

“Why should I mind?” Jarrod said. “I’d be pleased to have you and your lovely bride as guests. I’ll send word to the staff to expect you. I won’t be acting as your host though.” Jarrod paused to take a drink of his brandy. “I’ll be in London.”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024