Barely a Bride (Free Fellows League 1) - Page 96

“I’m not a bloody authority on wives,” Jarrod replied. “I’m a bloody authority on women. And on that point, they’re all alike from the lowest whore to the highest born lady. There’s a great deal of truth to that woman-scorned proverb. Don’t ever humiliate or embarrass them in front of their friends, family, or peers.”

“I didn’t think…” Griff broke off, drinking in the sight of her. Her deep-brimmed bonnet hid most of her face from view, but there was no hiding her form as the brisk wind plastered her cloak against her body, outlining its curves. “Damn, but she’s beautiful!”

“She is that,” Jarrod agreed.

Griffin shot him another nasty look.

“But she is out of reach. She’s married you know,” Jarrod continued as if Griffin hadn’t just warned him about poaching. “To a friend of mine. And no matter how beautiful the gardener or how ripe the temptation, or how big the arse that owns it, I don’t tend my friends’ gardens.” He returned Griffin’s nasty look. “I can admire without wanting, Griff. And there’s everything to admire about Lady Abernathy.” He gave Griffin a little push as they reached the bottom of the gangway. “Go to


Griffin limped toward Alyssa as a cheer went up from the crowd.

“Do you think that’s wise, sir?” Eastman leaned close to Jarrod.

Griffin’s valet had been with him nearly every moment since he’d recovered him from the battlefield at Fuentes de Oñoro. He knew the damage Griffin had suffered and knew the extent of his physical wounds and knew that while the physical wounds were well on the way to mending, the emotional wounds he’d suffered were far from healed.

Jarrod hadn’t been privy to all of Griffin’s suffering, but he’d seen enough to recognize that at the moment, Griffin was hanging on to his composure by sheer force of will. There had been times during the crossing from Spain that Jarrod had thought Griffin’s reason had left him. “I honestly don’t know,” Jarrod said. “But if she can’t help heal him, no one can.”

Alyssa watched, unable to take her gaze off him, as Griffin limped toward her. She wanted to run into his arms, but her feet stayed firmly rooted in place.

“Go on,” Colin urged quietly, placing his hand at the small of her back. “Go to him. He needs you.”

She gave Grantham a grateful smile, then moved toward Griffin.

But the Prince of Wales stepped forward at the same time. “Welcome home, Lord Abernathy, our brave and true hero, our most beloved right trusty cousin.” The Prince Regent embraced Griffin, kissing him on both cheeks after the Continental fashion.

The crowd roared its approval as the regent embraced the hero of Fuentes de Oñoro.

Griffin looked over the prince’s shoulder to where Alyssa stood behind him. He’d been within a few feet of having his wife in his arms once again and ended up being embraced by the Prince of Wales. “Highness.” Griffin bowed.

The prince released Griffin, then clapped his hands together in delight. “We’ve arranged a small dinner party in your honor, Lord Abernathy. Tonight at Carlton House. You and Lady Abernathy, your parents and Lady Abernathy’s parents are to be our guests at tonight’s celebration.”

“Sir, I’m deeply honored—” Griffin began.

“No more honored than we are to welcome England’s newest hero to our home.” The prince stepped back, then beckoned Alyssa forward.

She curtsied before the regent.

He took her hand and raised her to her feet, then kissed her cheeks. “We shall be most honored to welcome you and your dear husband to Carlton House tonight, Lady Abernathy.”

“Thank you for your gracious invitation, sir,” she answered.

“Your Highness,” Griffin tried again. “I had hoped to convalesce in the country.”

The Prince of Wales grinned. “Nonsense, sir! We are in the midst of the season, and everyone shall want to see you. You must stay in London until we arrange the ceremony of the awarding of the Order of the Garter.”

Griffin bit his tongue to keep from groaning aloud. “As you wish, Your Royal Highness.”

“We shall expect you at ten of the clock this evening,” the prince said.

Alyssa curtsied once more, then stepped back, making way so that the prince might present Sir Spencer Perceval to Griffin, then speak to Lord and Lady Weymouth, and to her parents, to Eastman, Shepherdston, and Grantham.

When he was done, the Horse Guards cleared a path through the crowd for the Prince Regent and the prime minister to follow back to Pall Mall.

“Alyssa…” Griffin held out his hand as he breathed her name.

“Griffin…” She responded in kind.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024