Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1) - Page 23

“Come on in. It’s open,” Toni called out from the kitchen.

“You have any tequila?” Michelle asked as she appeared in the entrance to the kitchen. “I brought some margarita mix. Figured this was as good a time as any for a few margaritas.”

“Oooh yes! They’re my fav. Good thinking, Michelle. And I do have tequila. Always.”

Michelle giggled and placed the mix on the counter. She’d also changed but wore capri leggings and an oversized tank. Her curly hair hung down her back in damp spirals. “One thing to get out of the way,” she said. “No more calling me Michelle. My friends call me Shell, and I think we’ve officially graduated to friends.”

Friends. It was nice. “We have. So, Shell it is. You mind rifling through my refrigerator? I’ve got some salsa in there. Can’t have margaritas without chips and salsa.”

“Sooo,” she said as she stuck her head in the fridge, her voice full of mischief. “You didn’t tell me you lived next door to Zach.”

Midway through twisting the tray of ice cubes, Toni jolted and fumbled the tray. Slippery squares of ice scattered across the counter and slid to the floor, shooting throughout the kitchen.

Instead of apologizing for startling her, her new friend burst out laughing. So hard and so loud she snorted and slapped a hand over her mouth.

Heat rushed to Toni’s face as she scrambled to rescue the ice before more plunged off the edge of the counter.

“I was going to ask what you thought of him next, but I think I’ve already got my answer,” Michelle said, when she finally stopped giggling.

“What? Oh, that’s just me being clumsy. Happens all the time.” Toni dumped the ice in the blender and stared everywhere but at Shell. The excuse sounded lame, even to her own ears.

More laughter ensued. “You’re a terrible liar. Come on, dish, girl.”

With a sigh, Toni turned and leaned against the counter with the blender at her back. “There isn’t anything to tell. I only just met him a few days ago. He introduced himself, we chatted. He’s nice. That’s it.” She turned and pushed blend on the machine. Loud whirring from the motor drowned out whatever Shell was going to say next. The momentary reprieve gave Toni a second to compose herself.

Mention of Zach’s name shouldn’t send her into such a bumbling tailspin. She barely knew the guy. No, barely would imply she knew something about him. And she knew absolutely nothing. Maybe she’d known a few things about the boy he was years ago, but nothing about the man he was now. Nothing beyond the fact that he claimed to be attracted to her. And claimed he’d be acting on it in a week. Less than a week.

Just four more days.

Not that she was counting. No way. No how.

A shiver of anticipation raced down her spine. Not good. He was a mistake Toni wouldn’t be making. Just physical attraction. Chemicals and pheromones. And she didn’t make any decisions based on those. Not anymore.

She chose her partners based on merit. Strength of character. Discipline. Mutual future goals. The downside was her last two relationships were devoid of the passion she craved, but it didn’t matter. Passion faded anyway, right? Compatibility wasn’t based on fireworks and lust. It was mental, not physical.

Punching the off button, Toni reached in the cabinet over her head for two margarita glasses. After pouring the frosty liquid into the glasses, she turned and was greeted by a smirking Shell.

“He’s pretty potent, isn’t he? All those muscles? And he’s so good looking, he’s almost pretty.” Shell fanned herself. “There isn’t a woman out there who could be immune to that.”

Suddenly, she recalled Shell’s uneasy reaction to news that the bikers would be allowed in the diner. Since that day, at least a handful of the leather-wearing men were in the diner every shift she worked. They asked for her section every single time. And called her Shell. Hadn’t Zach mentioned she brought them food on occasion?

She was more than just a waitress they liked. She was a friend. Maybe even more. Oh God, could she possibly have a thing for Zach? Did they have a history?

“Oh. No!” Shell said. She waved her hands in front of her in a stop motion. “No, no, no, no, no. It’s not like that, at all. I promise.”

“Not like what?” Toni frowned. She hadn’t even said anything.

“Your face. You looked crushed. I’m sorry if I implied I had a thing for Zach. I am one hundred percent immune to the charm that is Zach. Well,” she winked. “Maybe ninety-three percent. He is hot as hell. But immune enough to be not interested at all. Not interested.” She shuddered. Actually shuddered, as though the thought of being with the sexiest man Toni had ever laid eyes on was repulsive. “I see him, just about all of them, like brothers.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024