Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1) - Page 36

Toni chuckled and rolled her eyes as she turned toward her room. The crack of Zach’s palm across her ass made her yelp and glare at him, mostly to hide the hot flare of desire that rose from her core.

Being the scoundrel that he was, he raised his hands in a pose of surrender and laughed. “Just the one, promise.”

Light flirting, yeah right. Maybe by his definition. But by anyone else’s, it was bound to be a night of extreme temptation.

Toni was strong. She’d been resisting temptation for years.

But temptation in the form of motorcycle-riding, tattoo-sporting, muscle-wielding Zach was a whole new level of torture.

She had a feeling his light flirting only offer was just the spider luring the fly to its web. It had been exactly one week since he issued his decree after all.

He was coming for her.

Chapter Eleven

“Thumbs up or thumbs down?” Zach asked Toni as she struggled her way off the bike. For the first time since he patched in, Zach was tempted to blow off a Handler’s function for a woman. Dangerous thoughts. Women never, never, came before the club. At least not for him. But the feel of her feminine softness cushioned against him as they cruised through the back roads of Tennessee was enough to make the most pious of saints sin without regret.

She took two stumbling steps, then faced him. Still astride the bike, Zach grinned. There was no doubt in his mind she’d enjoyed her first motorcycle ride.

And that she was aroused.

Her skin had a rosy glow that was more than just wind burn and her eyes shone glassy and bright. She tucked her lower lip between her teeth in a manner so seductive Zach nearly went back on his word. It wouldn’t take much. He could grab her and lift her over him until she was straddling both him and the bike. She’d love it, and he’d have her out of her mind and begging for his cock in seconds.

Surprisingly enough, he’d never fucked on his bike. Something to keep in the forefront of his mind once he and Toni started up. And they would start up. It was just a matter of time. And that certainty was the only thing keeping him in check.

“It was fun,” she said, a little breathless.

“Just fun?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Okay, it was amazing. I could get addicted to the feeling of freedom. And I’ve never enjoyed the scenery nearly as much from a car. I hope you’ll take me for another ride soon. Better?”

Much better. But she failed to mention the way her heated pussy rested against his ass. No man gave a shit about scenery when he had two full tits hugged up tight against his back. “Sweetheart, I’ll give you a ride any damn time you want.”

The air between and around them felt thick and charged with the promise of sex. The kind of sex men lost their minds over. They stared at each other for a beat before Toni turned and broke the connection.

Always fighting what she felt. Always denying herself the pleasure he offered. Someday soon, he’d smash down those walls.

“So,” she said after clearing her throat. “Anything I need to know before we go in there?”

“Well…” Zach hefted a leg over his bike then steered Toni toward the Double H bar, which was closed to all but invited guests for the evening. The club did that every now and again when they wanted the freedom to let the members act a fool without outsiders being privy to it.

“The virgin sacrifices are usually first—that’s why we have the bonfire. Then they are followed by the live sex show, and if you’re lucky, you might get picked to participate.” He waggled his eyebrows and laughed as she slapped his arm.

“Oh, you’re hilarious. But I’m serious. I’ve never been to a biker bar. I have no idea what to expect.”

He slung an arm across her bare shoulders and propelled her past the long row of bikes in the parking lot outside the bar. “It will be loud, rowdy, smoky. I was fucking with you about the live sex show, but you’ll probably see a thing or two that makes your beautiful face blush.”

“Sounds like a grown-up frat party.”

Zach laughed. “Maybe. In a way. But much more badass.”


As they approached the door, Zach couldn’t help but lean in and inhale her fresh scent. Citrus again. Bright, refreshing, a shining spot in his dark world.

He brushed his nose just under her right ear. Toni stiffened, but not before a tiny tremor coursed through her. “W-what are you doing?”

“You smell fucking fantastic,” he murmured against her ear. “Has my dick hard as steel.” They’d stopped moving and stood about fifteen feet away from the entrance.

“Zach,” she whispered. “You promised.”

“I know. Just light flirting.” He drew back. Damn, she looked so good he couldn’t think of anything besides getting her naked. “Did I mention how hot you look? What is this thing?” He fingered the strap of her top, unable to resist the allure of her silken skin.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024