Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1) - Page 53

After only a few short minutes, Zach’s balls drew up tight and his gut tensed. He fused his mouth to hers, drinking her in as he pounded into her. Anything that wasn’t Toni’s pussy on his cock disappeared. He had no idea if she was close and would owe her a million times over if she wasn’t, because he could no sooner stop himself from coming than he could stop his heart from beating.

With one last push, he settled deep inside her and let the climax claim him. As his body shook he was distantly aware of Toni crying out, then sagging against him.

“God damn,” he said, some amount of time later when he could breathe again.

“Well said,” Toni mumbled into his neck.

“I’m sorry.”

“What for?” She sounded genuinely confused.

“That was all about me. I attacked you like some kind of beast.”

She chuckled. “Seriously? Well, then, I’m not sure I’d survive it if it was about me, because that was one good orgasm. I think I like your beast.”

Zach quirked an eyebrow. “Was it now?”

A red flush stole across her face as though she hadn’t meant to be so forward and she shrugged.

He slowly pulled out of her, let her down to the ground and righted her panties. They were so wet they might as well have just come out of the washer.


“Come on,” he said. “Let’s sleep for a few hours. Then I’ll treat you to what I should have done this first time.”

She hesitated. Just a fraction of a second, but Zach noticed it. Had she been expecting a one off? He almost snorted out loud. If that was the case, little Miss Toni had another thing coming to her.

Because now that he’d had a taste of her, she wasn’t getting away from him anytime soon. If that meant he had to keep her too fuck-drunk to think, then that’s exactly what he’d do.

And he’d love every damn second of it.

Chapter Seventeen

Toni’s eyes fluttered open, then dropped closed again as sunshine flooded her room. She must have forgotten to close the blinds before turning in for the night.

With a sigh she burrowed deeper into the warm cocoon of blankets and body heat. The soft cotton of her favorite sheets against her naked body was soothing and pulled her back toward sleep.

Wait. Naked?

Her eyes popped open as an intense barrage of erotic memories came at her from all angles.

Oh shit.

Just hours ago, Zach had fucked her against her bathroom wall like he’d die if he didn’t have her. She wasn’t deluded enough to say she’d slept with Zach or even that they’d had sex. No. He’d fucked her, plain and simple.

And she’d loved it more than she’d loved anything in a very long time.

It was quick, dirty, raw, and gave her an orgasm that topped the charts.

Just how she liked it.

Argh, just thinking about it made her want to spread her legs and invite him back in.

But that wasn’t possible for two reasons. One, because she refused to allow it again. She’d broken her rule and acted on lust instead of sticking to her search for a good partner. She hadn’t been fucked like that in a long time. Since before it all went bad.

And now, she had the perfect example of why she didn’t allow herself to indulge in those desires. There she was, lying in the bed bright and early, wet with desire from nothing but some memories. She’d enjoyed it too much. Too much to think rationally and choose a man that would participate in a healthy relationship. So she stayed away from the sexy, alpha, bad boys. No matter how good they gave it.

There was a second reason she wouldn’t be hopping on Zach for a morning repeat ride. And that was because the side of the bed he’d slept on was empty.

He’d left.

And she told herself in her sternest inner voice that she wasn’t remotely disappointed.

Liar, liar.

The sound of the toilet flushing came from Toni’s master bathroom and every muscle in her body tensed. Holding her breath, she rolled over and peered at the strip of light under the bathroom door.

He was in there. Zach hadn’t left.

Was it possible to feel both elation and dread at the exact same time?

Yes. It was.

The water turned on and Toni turned on her back then squeezed her eyes shut. It was simple. She’d pretend to be asleep. Zach was probably banking on her still being in dreamland anyway. This way he could grab his clothes and leave without any morning after awkwardness. Hell, he’d probably be grateful for the reprieve.

The plan might not be the most mature, but it would work.

The bathroom door opened and Zach’s heavy tread sounded across her wood floor.

And then, it stopped.

She had the feeling he was standing at the foot of her bed, but since she couldn’t see, she wasn’t confident in his location.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024