Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2) - Page 105

God, how did he not hate her? She’d abandoned him for six years. And he looked at her like she hung the damn moon. “Dad, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I should have—”

He held up a hand. “But you couldn’t. I get it. You weren’t ready. I always knew something would happen one day to shatter your illusion of the world. That’s when I knew you’d come to see me. I only hope you weren’t too hurt in the process.”

“A little banged up,” she said with a shrug. “But I had good help gluing myself back together.”

One of her dad’s light gray eyebrows rose. “Male help?”

She huffed. Why was it a girl always felt like she was twelve when talking to her father about the men in her life? Maybe this was worse because her dad had left just as she was coming into full womanhood.

They talked for the full hour that was allowed by the prison. In that time, she tried to jam in every detail of the past six years, leaving out anything that she might not want prison officials to overhear.

Her father wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear she’d hooked up with an MC and demanded she bring the “hoodlum” by on her next visit.

By the time she walked out of the prison, she felt lighter than she had in years. She hadn’t even realized how much of a weight her non-existent relationship with her father had placed on her shoulders.

After she walked out of the building, she jogged to Maverick and threw herself into his waiting arms. She kissed him all over his face and mouth, muttering, “thank you,” after each one.

He laughed and grabbed her face, holding her still for one of his patented bone-melting kisses. When he’d sufficiently liquefied her insides, he pressed her tight against his chest.

God, she loved everything about this man.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture, but what are you thanking me for?”

“For encouraging me to do this. For coming with me.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “And you were right. I was a nervous wreck in there and could have used you.”

MAV THREW BACK his head and laughed. Stephanie loved to act all tough, but inside she was a marshmallow. He’d known she’d be a hot mess before seeing her old man, but gave in when she begged to do it alone. Next time he wouldn’t be so accommodating.

“Huh, guess you owe me one, dontcha?”

Stephanie snorted. “Like there’s a lack of blow jobs in your life.”

Nope, that wasn’t something he was missing out on, that was for sure. His girl loved all things about his cock, including its taste. “Can never have too many of those.”

She giggled, and the sound lifted his heart. Already, just a few minutes out of seeing her father, she seemed lighter. That was good. Necessary. Things back home were fucked, with the animosity between the Gray Dragons and the Handlers at an all-time high.

“Let’s grab some grub then start the trip back,” Stephanie said. “I know it was difficult for you to get away right now. I don’t want to keep you from your brothers for too long. They need you.”

“One more minute of this.” He held her tight against him. It had been nice to be away, even for two days. It was the first time in months he didn’t have to worry about Stephanie’s safety all day every day.

But he just transferred the worry to his brothers, who did, in fact, need him.

One of the things he loved most about Stephanie was her love for his brothers. As predicted, it had taken some time for them to come around, but since she was a naturally easy person to love, it really hadn’t been too bad.

“All right, babe, what are you in the mood for?”

She raised an eyebrow and wiggled her hips against him, making him laugh again.

“Not that, you horny wench. I need to feed you. You were too nervous to eat, and I won’t have you passing out and blowing off the back of my bike.”

“There you go with the blowing again.” She let out a dramatic sigh. “Pizza. I think I want pizza.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said swatting her on the ass and handing her a helmet.

“Oooh, I like the sound of that. I think I should hear it more often.”

Mav snorted. “Don’t get used to it.”

She giggled and started to climb on the back of the bike. Mav snagged her wrist as she lifted her leg and yanked her back to him. “Hey,” he said against her lips, “proud of you, babe. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mav.”

Not everything in Maverick’s world was roses, but from the moment he accepted Stephanie back into his life, at lease part of every single day was perfect.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024