Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2) - Page 50

That was all going to fucking change if Mav had any say in the matter.

“Or, hell, I could use some help at the office.”

Head inclined she said, “I don’t even know what you do?”

“I run a security company. Some PI work, some personal protections, installation of cameras, alarms. That kinda shit.”

Her eyes lit up like he’d offered her a free trip to Tahiti. “That sounds interesting. But I can definitely get a hotel room. I don’t want to put you all out.”

“Ain’t a thing, wildcat,” he said. “Save your money. Toni and Shell will be thrilled to have you around. They’re always bitching about needing more women around here who don’t open their legs for every male who walks by. I don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, but who am I to argue with a woman?” He winked, and she let out a soft laugh.

After a few minutes of studying him, she nodded. “Okay, thank you, Maverick, I’d like to stay here. Just until I figure out what’s next.”

That was all it took, just her uttering his name, and Mav knew he was in big fucking trouble. Because even though he’d be putting her in a room far from his, and even though he’d promised himself he’d keep his hands off, he was so damn thrilled she was staying at the clubhouse.

What the hell was happening to him?


ANOTHER NIGHT OF tossing and turning.

Another nightmare waking her in a cold sweat.

Another time her subconscious sent her to prison, only this time Mav and his club brothers were incarcerated as well.

Another morning waking with a knotted stomach, aching jaw, and a bone-deep weariness. Usually an early riser, Stephanie allowed herself the rare luxury of lounging around in bed for a good portion of the morning. Really, it was much less about getting any real rest and more about her just being a straight-up chicken. She wasn’t quite ready to start spewing lies to everyone she came across in the clubhouse. It all just felt so dirty and wrong. Especially with the warm welcome she received and the generous offer of shelter for as long as she needed it.

At ten-fifteen, a pounding on her door had her finally dragging her tired ass out of bed. When she opened the door, Maverick stood on the other side in a black wife beater, faded denim, and a beat-up pair of Vans. There was a lot of ink on display, and Stephanie found herself drawn to the colorful expression of who the man was tatted all over his body.

“Hey,” he snapped. “Eyes are up here.”

Heat rushed to her face, and she stopped ogling his body in favor of eye contact. The words had sounded harsh, and so in contrast with the smirk.

“Sorry. I was just admiring your tattoos. They are amazing.”

“I was just messing with you, sweets. You can gawk at my bod any day any time. Hell, I can strip down and let you stare at every inch of me if you’d like.” He raised an eyebrow and moved his hands to the button of his jeans.

Oh, what a tempting offer. Instead of drooling and begging for just that, she said, “That won’t be necessary.”

“Come on, get dressed. We’re rolling out in fifteen minutes.”

“What? Where are we going? And fifteen minutes? Clearly, you don’t have sisters.”

Something flashed across his face before he could mask it. A painful memory, maybe. Now she felt like an ass, ruining the playful mood. But Mav recovered in seconds. “You look gorgeous. A little tired, maybe, but gorgeous. We are going to grab breakfast, then I have an appointment I want you to join me for. After that, we’re going to get drunk and have fun. If I’m right, and I usually am, you haven’t had one lick of fun over the past two months. Time to put an end to that shit.”

Well, he hit the nail on the head with that guess. Damn insightful man. Not one ounce of fun was had. In fact, she’d barely set foot outside her apartment in those two months. The walls had become her enemies, mocking her self-imposed imprisonment. Maybe he was right, and it was time to put an end to that shit. Plus, she was there to gather information, and that wouldn’t happen if she hid in her room like a scared child.

“Okay…I guess. Let me just throw on something else.”

“Sure.” Mav stepped all the way into the room, allowing the door to close behind him, then folded his arms and leaned against it.

“Um, you gonna turn around so I can get changed?” She glanced over her shoulder as she rifled through her suitcase.

“Nope.” No one could rock a flirty smirk like Mav. How it was possible for one facial expression to make her want to slap him and kiss him at the same time, she’d never understand.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024