Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2) - Page 64

“Nuh-uh.” Steph shook her head. “I don’t have much kid knowledge or experience. What’s a threenager?”

“It’s a three-year-old who has the attitude and snark of a teenager. Basically, it’s your worst nightmare come to life. That kid’s lucky she’s so damn cute.”

Toni picked that moment to slide into the booth across from Steph and Shell. “Don’t listen to the overworked mommy here. That little ray of sunshine is nothing but sweetness and love.”

Shell snorted and ran a hand through her curly blond hair. It was a few shades lighter than Stephanie’s, a very pale yellow. “Next time she’s flailing on the floor because her strawberries are too red, I’ll send her over to your house and you can witness the sweetness and love first hand.”

All three women laughed, and warmth filled Stephanie’s chest. The women were so welcoming, so accepting of her into their lives. She barely knew them, in all reality had only met them once or twice before, but they acted as though they were all old friends.

“Sooo,” Toni said, rubbing her hands together as she looked at Steph. “Rumor has it you entered Maverick’s room last evening and didn’t emerge until sometime after eight this morning. Deets, girl. And don’t leave anything out.”

With a gasp, Shell’s jaw dropped. She stared at Steph then turned and gaped at Toni. “We’ve been at work how long? Hours, and you’re just mentioning this to me now? And I thought we were besties.” She tsked and turned back to Steph. “Spill.”

Heat rushed to Stephanie’s face, and all logical thoughts fled her mind as the two women waited for an explanation. “I, uh, well, I…”

“She’s struck dumb.” Toni whistled. “That good, huh?”

A sigh slipped from Shell. “It’s so unfair! The two of you are getting it from all angles, and here I am, stuck raising the threenager without any dick to make me feel better.”

Steph choked on her sip of cappuccino at the same time Toni’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Holy shit, did you just say ‘without any dick to make me feel better?’ Because that’s what it sounded like, but there is no way in hell those words came from your mouth.”

“Oh, shut up. Just because I have to watch my mouth around Beth doesn’t mean I can’t speak like the rest of you from time to time.”

With a wave of her hand, Toni said, “Wait a second. We’re supposed to be talking about Steph getting dick from Maverick. Not your lack of dick.”

“Say it a little louder, why dontcha?” Shell grumbled.

These two were hilarious and it was nearly impossible to get a word in edgewise. Which was fine because Steph really didn’t want to comment on what she’d done with Maverick. For all she knew, it wasn’t going to happen again. And then wouldn’t that be awkward if she started gushing about him and how many times he’d made her come the night before.

The sound of a phone vibrating had Shell and Toni sobering and sharing a look. Reaching into her pocket, Toni drew out her phone. “Everything’s fine,” she said, and Shell visibly relaxed. “Just gonna be a little longer than expected.”

Both women grew serious and seemed to have some non-verbal conversation. Even if she weren’t an FBI agent, even if she was just whom they thought, the woman hooking up with Maverick, she’d be dying to know what was going on.

“Everything okay?” Steph asked as nonchalant as possible.

Both women jumped a little, like they’d forgotten she was there and listening. Toni looked at her then sighed. “Look, I’m not about to share any club business, and I’m not even a hundred percent sure what they are doing, but you have as much right to know what’s going on as we do—”

“No.” Steph shook her head even though her investigator voice was screaming at her to shut up. “I don’t. I spent one night with Maverick. I’m just some random woman to him. You don’t have to tell me anything.”

A snort came from Shell. “Maverick doesn’t spend the night with women. Ever. E-V-E-R. So the fact that you did is big. Huge, really. And given what you went through, I think you have a right to some details.” She glanced at Toni, who nodded.

“This does not leave the table,” Toni said, all fun and games gone.

“Of course,” Steph said, the potential lie souring her stomach.

“Shark’s cousin is trying to keep what’s left of the gang alive. He’s a sadistic asshole whose interests seem to lie in the skin trade. Another girl has gone missing. Actually, not a girl this time, a woman quite a bit older than the others. The guys are working on getting her back.” Shell shuddered. “They’re fine. We just worry.”

As soon as the words were out of Shell’s mouth, Steph’s brain churned through the many possible outcomes. None of them good. “Why don’t they go to the cops, or just let the cops handle it? Or the FBI even? Why take matters into their own hands? They can’t just go around hunting these guys.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024