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Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2)

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Carli gasped and looked at him like he should scold Stephanie for what she said. Please, it was taking everything he had not to laugh.

“We haven’t known each other very long,” she continued. “It goes without saying, we still have a lot to learn about each other. There are people in my life and things in my life that you do not know about. I needed to speak to one of those people in a private conversation that I didn’t want to have inside a clubhouse full of nosey men and catty whores.”

Shit, he was going to lose it. He bit the inside of his lower lip while Carli seethed.

“I am not married. I do not have a boyfriend or a man in my life in any capacity beyond friendships and collogues. Before you, I hadn’t had sex in two years, three months, and seven days.”

Carli snickered, and if she weren’t a woman, Mav would have smacked her. He fucking loved being the one that broke Stephanie’s fuck drought. He loved the way she faced this head on without drama and without taking Carli’s shit.


“Whatever she thinks she heard,” Steph went on, “is A, not her business, and B, not accurate.”

“Okay,” he said. He believed her and respected the fact she tackled this without excuses or bullshit. Or maybe he just wanted to believe her. Could she be hiding something from him? Part of him wanted to push it further, but he was already three drinks in and Carli was right there. Not the time or the place. A drunken blowout was exactly what Carli was banking on.

“Like I need any more dick than I’m getting from you right now. I couldn’t even—wait, what?”

He chuckled. “I said okay.”

She frowned, her small, unintentional pout a million times more effective than Carli’s could ever be. “Okay?”

“Yes, okay. I believe you. And you could probably use a little more of my dick, dontcha think?”

Carli still stood way too close, her mouth open and her arms crossed. Stephanie turned to her. “If you don’t get your fucking hands off him, your hair extensions are going to be all over this floor.”

“Easy there, wildcat,” Mav said as he laughed. He grabbed Stephanie by the ass, ignored her yelp of surprise, and hoisted her up into his arms. As he walked them both away from Carli, he fused his mouth with hers.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she kissed him back, full and deep. He loved the taste of her and the feel of her as she gave herself over to him. “Let’s get you a drink,” he said, walking to the opposite end of the bar. “What do you want?”

“Gin and tonic with lime please,” she said.

“Hear that, LJ?” Mav asked.

“Yeah man, give me ten seconds.”

Her drink appeared, and she took a huge gulp.

“Forget it, babe. It’s done.” For now, she was there in his arms, and he’d rather soak her up than pick a fight.

She nodded and took another large sip. “Forgotten. Just trying to catch up to you.”

He laughed and nuzzled her neck as she drank. “You look fucking hot tonight, wildcat. Not gonna be able to keep my hands off you for long. You wear this for me?”

“Mmmhmm. Worked out pretty well for me last time I wore a Handlers’ shirt. Thought I’d find out if it was a fluke or a trend.”

“Fuck, a trend. Definitely a trend. You wear that shit, and it’s pretty much a guarantee you’re gonna get fucked. LJ, get her another,” he called out as she drained her first drink.

“Hmm, seems like you fuck me pretty much all the time, no matter what I’m wearing.”

He chuckled. “Good point.”

Once she had her next drink, he took her hand and led her to a dark table in the back of the room. It was a booth with a bench seat along the wall and two chairs in front of the table. He slid onto the bench, drawing Stephanie down to his lap. The majority of the partygoers were outside at the bonfire, but since it was cold, a few people were milling about inside. No one paid any attention to them in the back corner, though, and it was dark and loud enough, most people probably didn’t even realize they were there.

With a soft sigh, Stephanie settled onto his lap. He realized how fucking much he loved his life at that moment. His girl on his lap, brothers partying all around, family intact. Sure, there was some trouble on the horizon, but for the night, everything was perfect.

And most of it was because of the woman in his lap. She brought meaning into his life he’d never had before, a connection and trust with someone he genuinely liked and respected, as well as had the hottest sex of his life.

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