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Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2)

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Was this what it was like for Zach and Toni? For his other brothers who had ol’ ladies?

If so, he was fucked because he just might be making a commitment to Stephanie in the very near future.

And then what the hell did he do?


IT WAS A lie of omission, but it didn’t feel as gut-wrenching as lying to Maverick outright.

Stephanie settled her back against Maverick’s chest, letting the tension of the day drain away. He’d believed every word out of her mouth. No questions, no demands, no asking who the hell she needed privacy to speak with. He’d taken her word over Carli’s.

Just. Like. That.

It warmed her from the inside out, this trust he put in her, but at the same time, it was like a knife to the heart. She wasn’t cheating, would never cheat, and had been truthful in stating the pitiful length of time she’d gone without sex. He was right to believe those words, but the real sin was so much worse.

Even when she spoke the truth, it felt dirty. Every word out of her mouth was tainted by the pile of lies she’d already told. The truth couldn’t be revealed now. It was far too late. Even if Maverick somehow were able to forgive her, Copper wouldn’t let her live. She knew it deep in her bones.

Mav slid his hand under the hem of her shirt, resting it against her stomach. His long, warm fingers spanned most of her width, and her eyes fluttered closed. She vowed then and there to soak up every look, every touch, every delicious sensation, and take those gifts to whatever dark place awaited her.

“Missed you this evening,” he whispered, his breath as heated as the liquor flowing through her veins.

A smile curved her lips. “You did not. You were out doing your macho thing with your biker brothers. Bet you didn’t think of me once.”

He nipped her earlobe just shy of too hard and said, “You fucking kidding me? Thought of you at least ten times. This right here? You, all soft and warm in my lap, relaxed from your drink, my hands on your silky skin, best part of my day, beautiful.”

And there he was, the genuinely fantastic man behind the fun, flirty, good-time guy he showed everyone else. Was it any wonder she was falling so hard and so fast?

“Best part of mine, too.”

She opened her eyes and sipped her drink as his mouth started to play against the skin of her neck. It only took a second for goosebumps to rise up and a tremor to run through her. Her pussy throbbed and grew slick, so used to getting what it demanded of Maverick.

Eight or so people milled around the large open area of the clubhouse. Three sat at the bar while LJ chatted them up. A few were in a heated discussion at a table on the far side of the clubhouse.

Then there was Screw.

He’d been playing pool with one of the Honeys—Steph never could keep their names straight—but they’d abandoned the game in favor of a vigorous make-out session. She and Maverick had a perfect profile view of the pair and Steph couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight of Screw basically dry humping the woman against the pool table. One hand was under her shirt on her breast while his other held her thigh up around his hips. With a rhythmic motion that seemed to jive with the pounding beat of the music, he ground himself against her.

“You like it?” Mav said, jolting her out of her captivated state.


“Watching them go at it. Do you like it?”

“Oh, no, of course not. I can’t believe they’re doing that right there in the middle of the room. Do they not care people might be watching?” She polished off the last of her drink and set the glass down. Now she needed a large glass of ice water. Maybe she’d dump it over her head.

Or on her crotch.

Mav’s chest vibrated against her back as he laughed. “They care, babe. It’s part of the fun.”

Hmm. He was probably right.

The Honey with Screw started to sink to her knees as her hands went to his fly, but he stopped her with a tug on her hair. When she’d stood straight once again, he turned her and bent her over the pool table, keeping his hand on her back as she flattened against the felt. Then he worked her tiny leather skirt over her hips, exposing a bare ass.

The sight of his tanned hands roaming over the pale globes of the woman’s ass did nothing for Steph. Nope, not a thing.

At least, that was her story, and she was stickin’ to it.

But clearly, it did something for Mav. His erection was unmistakable as it rested between their bodies. “Do you like watching them?” she asked.

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