Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3) - Page 25

But, for some reason, ever since she’d met Jig, she had this fantasy of him on top of her, holding her hands down, teasing her and denying her the one thing she wanted until she was begging for it.

Crazy. Because if there was one thing Izzy didn’t do when it came to men, it was begging. She gave the orders, and if they couldn’t be filled, then bye-bye, buddy. Plenty of others out there, and there was always her vast collection of self-love toys to get the job done.

“Damn, girl, that man is looking at you like you’re the last steak on earth and he’s starving,” Toni said in a low voice that startled Izzy.

“What? Jig? No,” she chuckled a shaky laugh. “I’m pretty sure he can’t stand me. He just glares and tries to turn me to dust with his eyes.”

Steph snorted. “He’s not trying to kill you, Izzy. He’s eye-fucking you.”

It was Izzy’s turn to snort. “No way.” Shit, did someone turn up the heat? She fanned herself.

“Oh, my God, you’re getting all flushed. You want his cock!” Steph rubbed her hands together in glee.

“Okay, if you’re all gonna start talking about my boys’ body parts, I’m out of here,” Mama V said with a wave.

“Hmm,” Toni said after she drained her glass. “This is the first time I’ve seen him stray from his type. Know what I mean, Shell?”

Shell nodded. “I know. I think it’s great. You should totally go for it, Izzy. I think you’d be good for him.”

Okay, someone needed to pull the emergency brake on this freaking runaway train. “Go for what? There’s nothing to go for. He has a type?” Whoops, that sounded way too interested.

All four of the girls laughed.

“I’ve been here six weeks, and even I have his type pegged,” Jazz said as she adjusted her slinky black top. “Tiny, blond, blue eyes, delicate, non-assertive, timid…am I right?”

Izzy’s jaw dropped, and she almost spilled her drink as she lifted her hand. “What? Seriously? And you guys think he’s interested in me?” She barked out a laugh. “Uhh, hello?” Izzy grabbed the end of her braid. “Black hair, tall, dark eyes, snarky as shit, and not a delicate bone in my body. You girls are nuts.”

“Hey,” Toni said with a shrug. “I just call it like I see it.”

“Well, let’s be real here,” Steph said then turned to the bar. “Another Mic Ultra, LJ,” she called out. Two seconds later, LJ handed her a bottle, mumbling something about her fake beer. “Are those girls really his type, or is he just trying to replace—?” Her mouth flapped open and shut as though she hadn’t meant to say so much. “Never mind, I’ll shut up now.”

Izzy wagged her finger back and forth. “No, no, no, you can’t do that. Replace what? Or who?”

A heavy sigh came from Shell. “All right, I’ve been part of the club since long before Jig came around. Most of what I know about him is rumors and gossip. But I know he was married and had a kid and a job working for NASA. I don’t know the details, but his family was killed. Rumor has it, he went a little crazy after that before he connected with the club.” A sad smile crossed her face. “His wife was a short, tiny, gentle, blond woman, or so I’ve heard. Rumor also has it his, uh, tastes run toward the darker, rougher side, and a lot of the guys think he’s working his way through all the delicate blond women in America to punish himself or his wife for dying. I don’t know. What I do know is that the women never come back for a second round.”

Flicking a discrete glance in his direction, Izzy asked, “Think he hurts them? Or just kicks them out?”

“No, I don’t think he hurts them,” Toni piped in. “He steers clear of friendships with us for the most part, but he’s quietly protective, even more than most of these guys. I think, well, I’m guessing he scares them away with his intensity.”

Intensity, huh? She must be crazy because hearing that Jig was scaring women away with his rough, angry rage-fucking had her pussy clenching with need.

So much for tonight’s fight settling her.


HER PRESENCE WAS like a tight-fitting shoe, slowly rubbing the skin off the back of his heel one painful step at a time. Whenever he looked up, there she was, laughing, smiling, fucking flirting with LJ.

The women sure seemed to love her, dragging her straight into the fold. Who the fuck knew what they were talking about? More than a few times, their gazes drifted in his direction. Was he the hot topic of conversation?

Jesus, why the fuck did he care? Izzy was not his type. He liked his women reserved, almost shy. There was something about seeing the wide-eyed shock on their faces when he shoved them against a wall, pulled their head back by their hair, or slapped his palm across their ass. He wasn’t a jerk, wasn’t trying to hurt or scare the women he fucked, but there was a small part of him that got a thrill from seeing a spark of uncertainty in their eyes.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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