Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 12

“Listen, Shell, about earlier…”

If he repeated his words from the diner she just might sink into the floor, never to be seen again. “It’s nothing, Copper. The guys were ribbing you. You had to set them straight. I get it. No worries.”

He stared at her with narrowed eyes.

“Seriously. It’s no big deal.”

For a moment, it seemed as though he’d let her get away with the lie, but that wasn’t Copper. He didn’t let shit go. If he saw a problem, he fixed it. No matter what.

As though she hadn’t spoken, he said, “I’m sorry for what I said. They were ragging me for being all over you last night. I don’t remember a fucking thing, so I assume they were just shitting me. Pissed me off because they know we don’t have that kind of relationship, so I barked all that shit at them.”

Her heart sank a little lower with each word from his mouth. Here he was, thinking he was fixing it. Giving an apology—which is something he rarely did, and in reality, he was driving the stake even deeper into her heart. God, how she’d love to fall on the floor and wail in an epic tantrum that rivaled Beth on her worst days. But that wouldn’t solve a damn thing. Instead, she forced her lips to curl into a smile. “Totally understand. And to set your mind at ease, they were definitely exaggerating about last night. You weren’t all over me. I pretty much just gave you a birthday hug. That’s it. You know they’re just a bunch of jerkoffs looking for something to hold over you.” The lie tasted bitter but she’d rather him think that than remember just how much his hands had been on her and continue with his speech about the kind of relationship they had.

He nodded. “Thought as much. Don’t worry, I’ll make ’em clean the clubhouse floor with a toothbrush or something.”

Despite her mood, that had her chuckling. “Not necessary. But if you go through with it, make sure they know I had nothing to do with it. I don’t want the payback.”

“You got it, babe. And, Shell, I know you’re not a kid. You work harder and are more responsible than anyone I’ve met. The guys were ragging on me.” He shrugged. “That was a dick thing to say knowing how mature you are.”

Hard working, responsible, mature…how sexy. Just what every woman wanted to hear from the man she lusted after. She swallowed down immense disappointment.

After clearing her throat, she said, “Thanks, but it’s no big deal.”

He nodded.

Guess that was that.

“Hey, can I borrow Beth for a while? I was thinking of taking her to get some ice cream then bring her back here so Mama V can take over while you’re at work.”

Her jaw dropped. “You want to take Beth out? Really? Why? You need me to do some heinous task for the club?”

Copper threw back his head and laughed. The action had the muscles in his shoulders bunching in a way that showed of his raw power.

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

“Don’t look at me like that. There’s no catch, I promise. Just a peace offering for being a dick this morning. Thought you might like a few hours of peace and quiet.”

How could he go from saying things that demolished her heart to giving her the one gift every mother longed for each day? A few hours of blessed solitude.

“Um, that would be incredible. The last time I had a few hours alone was…” Geez, it was probably before she moved back to Townsend.

He snorted. “Been too long if you can’t even remember. Don’t you get time to yourself at night when she’s asleep?”

The assessing look he sent her way had her wanting to adjust her clothing. It was then she realized there was a huge wet spot on the front of her sweatshirt. She almost laughed. Greeting him at the door with a souring milk stain on her shirt. The night before he’d had a party full of flexible strippers with triple D boobs and twenty-four-inch waists. No wonder the man wasn’t interested in her. “In theory, sure. But by the time I get home from work, it’s almost nine thirty. I’m lucky if I can stay awake long enough to brush my teeth let alone get anything else done.”

With a shake of his head, he clenched his fists. “You work too fucking hard, Shell. I wish you’d let the club—”

She held up her hand. “Not having this argument, Copper. You lost it a long time ago. Know that chaps your ass, but I’m not taking money from the club.”

“My ass is just fine, babe.”

Ain’t that the truth.

He stepped forward, looming over her. That height advantage and intimidating scowl lost its effect on her ages ago. In fact, instead of scaring her, it usually turned her on. She imagined he’d have a similar look on his face as he fucked his way to orgasm. “I don’t give a shit about losing the argument. I give a shit about you working yourself to exhaustion when you don’t have to because you’re too damn proud and stubborn to ask for help.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024