Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 27

Made sense. Perfect sense. Calm, rational, unemotional sense. Shell couldn’t accept it. She wanted a reaction. Be it anger, sadness, agitation, whatever. She needed him to feel something toward her. She felt so much, so deep, and so agonizing. How could he stand there as though unaffected? She was sick and fucking tired of loving a man who felt nothing for her.

The tip of her nose tingled, warning her of approaching tears. This man had way too much power over her. Returning to Townsend had been a mistake. She was a fool to think she could live near him and not destroy herself, and Copper had driven that home last night.

“Then why did you hold me?” Holy crap, she’d actually asked it.

His eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything.

“What? You think I was asleep or something? Well, I wasn’t.” She stepped forward and jammed her finger into his chest.

“So.” Poke.

“Why.” Poke.

“Did.” Poke.

“You.” Poke.

“Do.” Poke.


He grabbed her finger, stopping it from digging into his very hard pecs one last time. “Shell,” he said, voice full of warning.

“What, Copper? What are you going to do?” She rose on her tiptoes, getting in his face as much as she could given their vast height difference. Each time she breathed in, her chest rose, brushing against him.

Copper’s eyes dilated until the jade green rim was almost swallowed up by the black. He leaned down. “You don’t want to know, Shell. You couldn’t fucking handle it.”

Hunger. It was there, plain as day. Not just appreciation for her assets, but actual desire for her.

Holy shit. Over the years, she’d heard the rumors.

Copper wanted her but would never give in because she was too young.

Before his death, her father warned Copper to keep the men in the club away from her.

Copper had some notion he was her protector, and that included protecting her from himself.

All this time, she’d assumed it was bullshit. Teasing from the guys privy to her feelings. Not once, did Copper show any indication of romantic or sexual interest in her. He always treated her like a buddy’s little sister or a beloved cousin. Someone he felt responsible for but wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

But now?

Now everything she’d ever assumed was in question.

Did Copper want her?

“You’d be surprised what I can handle, Copper.”

He snorted, nostrils flaring and his grip tightened. “Fine. You were right. I played you. Held your sexy body all night long to soften you up. Gave you what I thought you wanted so you’d take the money in the morning.” The words were punishing, the tone even harsher.

Five minutes ago, she’d have bought it, but there was an unmistakable bulge resting against her stomach. He might be fighting the attraction for all he was worth, but Copper wanted her. He may have even been as starved for her as she was for him.

And Shell was done being denied.

“Bullshit.” Shell spat the words as she ripped her arms from his grasp. Copper gazed at the ceiling as though praying to be teleported out of there.

No such luck, buddy.

Clearly, aliens had invaded her body because Shell whipped her shirt up and off, tossing it on the floor. She stood before him in skintight jeans and a lacy black bra that did nothing to conceal her puckered nipples.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Shell. What the fuck are you doing?”

She cocked her hip and licked her lips. Copper’s molten gaze followed every movement, flowing over her bared flesh like a caress. “If you’re gonna leave a stack of hundreds on my dresser like I’m some kind of whore, you should at least fuck me. Dontcha think?”


Copper’s entire body stilled. Well, almost his whole body. There was some movement, growth to be exact, behind his zipper. Shell’s eyes widened. The man was big.

He stalked forward, and she couldn’t have moved to escape if she tried. It was as though she was a little bunny caught in a trap and he was a prowling tiger circling its prey. When he reached her, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her head back. “You’re playing with fire, little girl.”

Two green eyes ablaze with excitement burned into hers. If only Copper would unleash all that tamped down passion on her. The red beard covering his lower face looked so soft, she longed to feel it brushing all over her naked skin. If he wasn’t willing to have sex with her, maybe he’d just rub his beard all over her. On her face, her stomach, her breasts, her thighs. Hell, she’d probably get off from that alone.

But he saw her as a little girl. Once again, she dislodged from his grasp. Whatever hope she’d held died with his words and shot her anger straight to boiling once again.

“I’m not a little girl,” Shell screamed. She grabbed her lace covered breasts. “I’m a woman, Copper.” Still yelling, there was now a tremor to her voice. She hated that damn tremor. It betrayed her. Showed this was about much more than fucking. “I’m a twenty-four-year-old woman.” The words came out softer this time. “I have two jobs. I pay my rent on time. I have a child for crying out loud.” She sniffed and shrugged, palms out. If it wasn’t going to happen now, it’d never happen, and she’d have to give up the dream. Because the wanting and not ever having was killing her.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024