Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 36

After who the hell knew how long, he pulled back. Shell grabbed his forearms to keep from swooning like some Victorian maiden. When she turned her dazed gaze up to Copper, he was focused on something over her head, a smug, satisfied smile on his face.

The businessman. Holy shit…this had been purposeful. A public claiming.

“Holy shit, I freaking knew it!” Toni shouted from somewhere across the diner, probably still behind the counter. Shell was too stunned and slightly embarrassed to check out the reaction of the Handlers still seated at the table next to her. Turned out, she didn’t have to see them to know what they thought. They started loudly cheering and yelling all sorts of Mav-style comments.

Finally, Copper turned his attention to her. Completely captivated by his gaze, she allowed herself to be caught up in him. This man had complete and utter control over her. Mind, body, and soul, he owned her in a way she’d always dreamed of. In a perfect world, she’d snatch up every ounce of what he was offering.

“Not sorry,” he said, making her smile so wide her cheeks hurt. “Guess it’s official now.”

Toni had to be busting out of her skin behind the counter, waiting to assault Shell with a million questions.

“Damn!” Mav yelled. “’Knew I shoulda gone upstairs yesterday when you came by the clubhouse. Bet the soundtrack was pretty fucking great, huh?”

Just as she was about to bury her heated face in his wide chest the bell over the entrance jangled with the entry of a new customer.

Copper’s entire body stiffened, right before he let out a tremendous whoop. “Holy fucking shit. Rusty? Jesus, guys, it’s fucking Rusty!”

Starting at the tip of Shell’s head, an icy wave of terror rippled down her body. She was frozen, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to think beyond the fear. Copper grabbed her shoulders, gave her a quick hard kiss then smiled the most genuinely elated smile she’d ever seen from him right before running over to his brother.

Of course, he did. His brother was out of prison even earlier than expected. Five weeks early to be exact. Five weeks Shell was supposed to have with Copper. Thirty-five days to come up with a plan and figure out her next life move.

And now that was all gone.

She managed to get her legs to turn her in a circle in time to see Copper and Rusty collide in a giant engulfing hug. Slapping each other’s backs, they spoke of how amazing it was to be in the same room.

Rusty almost had the height of Copper; he was about six-three to Copper’s six-five, but maybe half of the muscle mass. Prison had bulked him up some, but he still didn’t match his big brother in size. But the hair? Same red, though Rusty was close-cropped and naked-faced.

The guys vacated their booth, and all joined in the ecstatic reunion. Rooted in her spot next to the Handlers’ booth, Shell watched in fascinated horror as her nightmare came to life.

A few seconds into the men back-slapping and ribbing each other, Toni joined her. “You all right, girl? Looking a little pale.”

“I—” It came out as a strangled whisper. She cleared her throat. “I’m good.” Better. Stronger.


“You know this Rusty character well? I’ve heard some mixed things about him. Izzy told me Jig isn’t a huge fan.”

Huh, that was news to Shell. Most of the guys loved him as far as she knew. “Yeah, I know him. Knew him, I guess.”

Copper and Rusty hugged again. With Copper’s back to her, she got a full-on view of Rusty’s face. His gaze, so cold and missing what she’d always thought of as the human factor locked with hers. Then he winked.

The bastard fucking winked at her.

If it wasn’t for the violent lurch in her stomach, her knees would have given out. But seeing as how she needed a basin, and fast, she was able to move. Shell slapped a palm over her mouth as the cereal she’d eaten came dangerously close to spewing all over the diner. Quick as she could, she sprinted toward the restroom. Once in front of the toilet, she sank to her knees and threw up anything she’d eaten over the past week. Thankfully, Toni was anal about the cleanliness of her diner’s restrooms, so that was one less thing Shell had to worry about. She had enough problems on her plate.

Her stomach heaved over and over until she expelled nothing but bile and stomach acid. Everything ached, her abdominal muscles, her head, her knees on the hard tile, but most of all her heart. It was going to break. There was no way around it. At some point in the upcoming days, her heart would shatter into pieces so small she might never be able to repair it. She only hoped the same didn’t happen to Copper.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024