Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 42

In the end, he’d done the only fair thing and put it to a vote. But he’d be lying if he said he was relieved the result swung in favor of the ol’ ladies being present. He wanted, needed to spend the time with Shell. He hadn’t made any official claim on Shell, so even if the club had voted against ol’ ladies attendance, Shell would still be invited, but he knew her, and she’d never show up without her girl posse.

Rusty sat at the bar, drink in one hand, a Honey’s ass in the other, and his face planted in the tits of yet another Honey who stood between his legs. He certainly wasn’t looking to be entertained by Copper right then. That meant Copper was free to corner Shell and put an end to her evasive behaviors.

She stood with the girls, beer in hand, laughing at something Stephanie said. As usual, she was boner-inspiring in tight black pants, knee-high black boots, and a skimpy red top that hugged her every curve and made his mouth water for her tits.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he whispered in her ear as he came up behind her.

With a gasp, she started then spun around so fast, she needed to plant her hands on his chest to keep from falling.

“You trying to get close to me, babe?” he asked as her face turned an adorable shade of pink.

She cast a glance at the girls who were all gaping at him as though he had spiders crawling out of his head. “What?” he asked. While he waited for an answer, he turned Shell and snuggled her back against his stomach. She stiffened at first then melted into him. One of his large hands rested on her low belly. The strip of skin just beneath the hem of her shirt was too tempting to resist, and he strummed his fingers along her skin, eliciting a gentle shiver from her.

“You…well, you…” Stephanie pointed to him then shrugged. “I got nothin’.”

Izzy, never afraid of speaking her mind, piped up. “We’ve never seen you like this. You’re usually the gruff, slightly grumpy—no offense—MC president. Tonight, your all…cute and shit.”

Copper let out a rough chuckle while Shell giggled. Hell, if Izzy’s teasing made her laugh, he’d take the ribbing all day long. “Cute and shit, huh? Rusty accused me of growing a pussy.”

At the mention of his brother, Izzy and Toni shared a look Copper couldn’t decipher, but it certainly wasn’t favorable. He made a mental note to ask Shell what the deal was later. Those girls were as tight as he and his brother. She’d know what was up.

“Gonna steal her for a bit,” he said trying to keep a straight face. Shell would be frowning for sure. She wasn’t much on being told what to do, especially in front of her girls. Well too fucking bad. He’d allowed her to put him off for three days.

That shit ended now.

“You bet,” Stephanie said. The smile on her face was so big it almost looked fake. Jesus, was his love life really that fascinating? “Take her for as long as you want. You can even keep her if you’d like.”

“Stephanie,” Shell said in a harsh whisper.

“What?” The innocent look wasn’t fooling anyone. That girl spent too much damn time with Maverick.

“Come on,” he said, dropping an arm across Shell’s shoulders. She shot him a scowl, but it only made him chuckle. Probably wouldn’t do to tell her she was damn adorable when pissed.

Copper led her to a square table along the right wall of the clubhouse. Basically, it was his table. Anyone who’d been to the clubhouse knew to keep their asses out of his spot unless invited. It was also the table he’d sat at with Shell during his birthday party last week, or so he was told. Those memories never fully resurfaced. He sank onto the bench seat along the wall then pulled a slightly resistant Shell onto his lap.

“What are you doing, Copper?” She wiggled, trying to scoot off him, but it only served to grow him from half chub to full hard-on.

“Relax, babe,” he said, settling her against him.

They had a tiny bit of privacy. At least there weren’t’ bodies jammed in around his table like they were on the dance floor.

“But everyone will see us. Even the Honeys. What if…”

Copper let out a loud laugh. “What if what? You think I give a shit what the Honeys think?”

Her head slowly moved from side to side, body still rigid in his hold. “Well no, but you’re the president. You get first pick and all.”

Seriously? Was she crazy? Maybe she was fishing? Probably not. Shell wasn’t one to play games for compliments. “Babe, I have no interest in any of the Honeys. Haven’t for years. You think I’d rather have one of them on my lap?”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024