Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 68

And what if she never let him fully into her heart, never shared her secrets? Would he survive the loss of her in this new role of lover?

“That was so not funny,” she said, but her lips quirked totally killing the serious effect. “Your brothers are idiots.”

“Can’t argue with you there.” He let his head fall back against the floor. “You good? I was a bit of a prick when you came in.”

Resting her palms on his chest, Shell smiled down at him. “I’m better than good. Think you made up for any grumpiness tenfold.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Did I?”

“Yep. And you can continue making it up to me right now.”

Damn, his woman was insatiable. “What’d you have in mind, gorgeous?” He crunched to a sitting position, gave each of her nipples a brief suck then kissed her upturned lips.

“Food,” she said with a mischievous smile as she hopped off him and searched for her jeans.

With a groan, Copper forced himself to stand. “Well played. Watch out for the glass.”

Two hours later they’d raided the kitchen and engaged in another round of sweaty play. Now, Shell sat with her back against Copper’s headboard happily munching on some pita chips. She’d loved those damn things for as long as he could remember, so he made sure to always have them stocked in the clubhouse kitchen. He reclined against his pillow one arm tucked behind his head, the other hand idly drawing circles on Shell’s smooth thigh. They’d been silent for the past ten minutes, but it was a contemplative and comfortable silence.

“Thanks, baby,” he said, ending the lull.

Chip midway to her mouth, Shell paused. “What for?”

“I needed you tonight. Didn’t even realize how much, but you did. So you came.” He winked. “In more ways than one.”

Her beautiful face flushed as she threw her half-eaten chip at him. When he caught it in his mouth mid-flight, she rolled her eyes but then grew serious. “Copper, while I’m with you I will walk across hot coals to give you what you need.”

While I’m with you. What the fuck did that mean? Did she have an ending in sight? “You planning on going somewhere?”

“What? No, I mean, uh, maybe, I mean, we never know where life is going to take us. Maybe you’ll get sick of me and kick me to the curb. I just meant while we’re together.” She shoved a chip in her mouth and crunched effectively ending that conversation. He’d give it to her for now. She was skittish.


With time she’d come to realize he wasn’t going fucking anywhere.

And when had he made that life decision? Despite the fact that Shell made him laugh, calmed his demons, and the sex was off the charts, she was still sixteen years his junior. For her sake, he should walk away.

Too bad he was so selfish.

Shell dropped the bag of chips over the side of the bed, brushed her hands together, then laid back, resting her head on his chest. Her soft weight lifted and fell as he breathed. Club business wasn’t generally shared with the ol’ ladies, but it wasn’t necessarily a hard and fast rule. In times of crisis, when the women needed to be alert and wary, they’d be given enough information to keep themselves safe, but generally speaking, club business was for club ears only.

“Someone’s stealing from the club,” he said in a quiet voice, breaking his own rule. But it didn’t feel wrong. Didn’t even feel risky. Right then, in that bed, in that moment, Shell was his woman. Seemed she was just naturally an extension of him. She was also the most loyal person he’d met. Nothing he confessed would leave the sacred vault of his bedroom. In fact, he was pretty damn sure Shell would die before betraying him or the club.

Perfect ol’ lady material.

She breathed out, then lifted her head and gave him her full attention. “You sure?”

“Yeah. Ten Gs so far. To add insult to injury, we’ve got an increase in meth sales in our county. Club’s worried Lefty may be running the drugs from whatever hole he’s been hiding in.”

“Shit, Copper, no wonder you’re stressed. What can I do for you?”

He stroked his hand up and down the silky skin of her back. “Just this, babe. This is more than enough.”

She rested her head back down and gave him a squeeze. “Remember what I said, Copper. Anything.”

And he’d give her anything in return. As soon as the club shit was sorted, he’d be sorting Shell’s shit. Because whatever ghost from her past making her hesitate, needed to be destroyed.


“YOU HEADING OUT now, Prez?” Zach asked as Copper exited his office.

“Yeah, brother. Feel up for a ride?” A two-hour ride into questionably friendly territory without his enforcer was just plain stupid.

“Fuck yeah,” Zach answered. “Always. Been hoping you’d ask.” Zach deposited a full crate of liquor on the bar and made his way toward Copper.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024