Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 115

He grunted in response. Any other time he’d seen Lefty, the fucker looked like a knock-off version of Rambo. Wife beater, jeans, bandana around his head.

“How about you send sweet Chloe back in. I’d much rather look at her and remember the feel of her pussy than have to stare at your ugly mug.”

Rocket breathed through his nose as he let the taunts roll off his back. Took a lot more than Lefty to get under his skin. Though he had to admit, each word out of the motherfucker’s mouth inspired further torture.

“Not gonna bite?” Lefty asked with a smug as fuck grin. Hard to pull off with blood seeping from his mouth. “She still here?”

Rocket remained silent as he crouched down.

Lefty’s grin was full of yellowed teeth. Looked like the sex trafficking and drug pushing industries didn’t come with top-notch dental insurance. “How ’bout you call her back in. We could double team her. Hell, I’ll even let you have her cunt. I’m more than happy to stick it in her—argh!” He gritted his teeth as his body arched off the floor.

Rocket had stuck the knife through the bindings at Lefty’s back. With a sawing motion he cut through the tape connecting Lefty’s arms to his legs. The limbs were still bound but now he could push the asshole flat on his back. “Oops,” Rocket said as he accidentally sliced Lefty’s hand with the knife. “Too vigorous. My bad.”

Panting through clenched teeth, Lefty stared up at him. “You’re nothing but a fucking joke,” he spat out, not quite as cocksure as he’d been before a knife cut into his skin. “What do you think’s gonna happen here? You think I’m gonna just disappear without any repercussions? My guys will be all over your ass before you can bury my fucking body.”

Rocket rotated the point of the knife back and forth against his finger tip. “Hmm, I think you’ve been missing for two weeks and no one gives a shit. Not even a dingleberry. There’s no loyalty among your men. Never has been. So I’m thinking I’ve got time and plenty of it. Hell, I’m thinking I could keep you for days. Maybe even weeks. As long as I can tolerate the stench.” As he spoke he popped the button at Lefty’s fly open then drew down the zipper. With rough tugs, he yanked his jeans down to his ankles.

“The fuck are you doing?”

“Commando, huh? Making this easy for me. I just wanted to get a peek at this thing between your legs you’re so proud of. Had to see what makes it so special that it gets to fuck women without their consent.”

“Fuck you.”

Rocket lunged forward, pressing the deadly tip of the knife against the base of Lefty’s dick. “No,” he said. “Fuck you.” He dragged the end of blade down the length of Lefty’s dick, scraping hard enough to cut a shallow slice into the skin. A high-pitched shriek flew from his captive’s mouth. The sound filled Rocket with a sadistic pleasure. This was what he’d been seeking for months. Not just Lefty’s death, but his suffering. His fucking torment. “In fact, how about I take this,” Rocket said as he returned the knife to the root of Lefty’s dick, “right off your body and fuck you with it? Give you a little taste of what you gave to Chloe.”

Sweat beaded across Lefty’s forehead. A few drops rolled down his face, mixing with the blood and pooling on the floor. His gaze was riveted to the knife as though he could somehow stare it away.

“Nothing to say now?” Rocket said with a laugh. “Too bad. I was so enjoying listening to you run your fucking mouth.” He dug the knife in. “I’m gonna need to hear something or I’ll go through with my plan.”

“N-no. Don’t.” Lefty’s eyes were wide, crazed as his legs started to tremble.

“Begging already? Huh, I’m kinda disappointed.” He laughed again. “Thought you’d hold out a little longer. You pig shits are all the same. Think you’re the top junkyard dog. Love to lord over those weaker than you. But the second a bigger dog comes on the scene; you turn into a giant pussy begging to let you keep this tiny thing you call a dick. Let me hear some more. I’m not fully convinced you don’t want me to cut it off.” He nicked Lefty again, this time in an arch over his cock as if he were going to cut a circle around it.

“D-don’t do it. Don’t cut it off.” High-pitched again, almost as though Rocket had already rid him of his nuts. Ohh, he could take those as well. The cock and his balls. A perfect set.

“Why?” Rocket asked. “Because you need it to rape women?”

“N-no.” Sweat dripped down his face in rivers now. He was uselessly bucking against the bindings, trying to get his arms and legs free.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024