Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 29

Too late.

“Yeah, Cop, I get you.” Oh, the lines he’d already crossed. “Any news on Lefty?”

With a shake of his head, Copper said, “No. The fucker can hide, I’ll give him that much.”

The day Lefty died would be the best fucking day Rocket had in years. The club had a contact that owed them. They’d done a favor and were supposed to receive Lefty as payment. Only the damn gangbanger was way too good at living underground. “You know, Cop—”

“Don’t even think about it.”

Rocked grunted. “I didn’t even fucking say anything.”

“Yeah, but I know you. Known you for years. You were about to offer to reach out to some old contacts. Ain’t letting you do that.”

“Cop, I know guys with connections we only wish we had. Guys who could flush Lefty out with less effort than chewing fucking gum.” And he did. His contacts worked, even lived in the shadows. It’s where they thrived. Lefty wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Yeah, and before you could grab your dick, word would get back to Esposito, and he’d have exactly the ammunition he needed to get you to do his dirty work. Ain’t happening. We’ll get Lefty. And we’ll fucking end him. But it won’t happen at your expense.”

“Thanks, Copper.”

“Ain’t a thing, brother.”

Rocket extended his hand across the desk as did Copper. Just as they were about to clasp, Copper pulled back. “Oh wait,” he said. “One more thing.”

Rocket froze, hand in midair. Oh fuck.

The hair around Copper’s mouth parted, revealing an evil grin that had Rocket’s balls shriveling. The next words out of Copper’s mouth were not going to bode well for him.

“Gonna patch-in LJ next Friday. Shoulda happened already, but with all the shit that’s been going on, I put it off. The guys need a party and they need a big one. I’d like you to plan it.”

What. The. Fuck.

“Uh, don’t the ol’ ladies usually take care of that kind of thing?”

His president’s smirk grew. “They sure do. And they’ll be around to help. But you’ll be running the show.”

Narrowing his eyes, he pulled his hand away as he rested back in the chair. Fuck if he was gonna shake the president’s hand now. A punishment. That’s what this was. A damn joke of a punishment. The moment his brothers found out he was acting as party planner the torture would commence. “Shoulda known you wouldn’t let me off the hook.”

Copper laughed. “Sorry, brother. That’s the way it is.”

“Goddammit. All right. You want a piñata? Maybe some pin the tail on the fucking donkey?” He’d take a fist to the face over this damn punishment any day. Copper knew that shit. It’s why he chose the punishment.

Still laughing, Copper said, “You can have your first planning meeting tonight after church. Shell’s rounding up the ladies for you. Have fun, brother.”

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he rose.

“Damn, brother, the look on your face is priceless. I’m gonna enjoy the fuck outta this.” Copper rubbed his hands together like some kind of evil genius enjoying his master plan for world domination.

With a roll of his eyes, Rocket yanked the door open only to find Shell standing there with her fist raised, poised to knock.

“Oh, Rocket, hi!” she said, face splitting into a huge welcoming smile. She stepped in the room. “Hey, hon,” she said to Copper. “How you feeling?”

Copper rolled his eyes and huffed like her attention was a nuisance, but his eyes were soft as they landed on his woman. “I’m good, babe, same as I was an hour ago.”

“Don’t you get sassy with me, mister. I’ve already dealt with one whiny child this morning; I’ll take away your dessert too.” She winked at him.

Copper held up his hands. “I’ll be a good boy. I promise.”

Rocket snorted. Somehow, he didn’t think Copper’s dessert had anything to do with sugar and flour.

“Don’t be too good,” Shell said, her cheeks turning pink.

“All right, I’m out before I vomit.”

Shell grabbed his arm. “Wait. The girls and I can all meet tonight after you guys get out of church. Everyone is so jazzed to plan this party for LJ. Thanks so much for offering to help. We want it to be epic, since he’s been so patient waiting for his patch. Poor guy has been prospecting for almost fifteen months.”

Rocket’s eyes narrowed as he forced himself to nod in agreement.

Copper burst out laughing all over again. Goddammit, this was going to be his life for the next ten days.

“That’s fine, Shell,” he said sounding gruffer than he’d intended. Without so much as a goodbye, he stormed out the office, middle finger held high over his head.

Instead of pissing anyone off, all it did was kick Copper’s laughter even higher.

“What’d I say?” Shell asked, her voice laced with confusion.

“Nothing, baby. Close and lock that door. I got twenty minutes before I gotta get. Plenty of time to get a taste of your sweet—”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024