Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 37

“I’ve been in agony all week wondering if your pussy would feel as incredible around my tongue as it did on my cock. Put me out of my misery and bring that soaking wet cunt over here.”

Her eyes flared. She was practically panting at this point. The order he issued was wrapped in a layer of false submission. Let her think he was begging for what he wanted, what she had the power to grant him, when really, she was submitting to her own desires. Allowing him to give her what she needed.

Rocket was no psychiatrist, but he’d guess Chloe would only find true peace and healing in the renewed ability to surrender. That desire had been ripped from her, turned into something ugly, horrifying, and painful. Now, rightfully so, she was petrified of the prospect. Many, possibly even most women in her position would be paralyzed by that fear. Unable to be with a man until they found a method to deal with the trauma. At first, Rocket assumed Chloe’s weekend activities were her taking the trauma and facing it head on. Getting naked, touching, fucking, proving the bastards hadn’t damaged her sexuality and needs as a woman.

Now he knew different. She was just the same as the others. Terrified, scarred, dealing with a pain so deep it changed the core of who she was. Because Chloe was just as afraid of being with a man. Just as petrified to be trapped under a man, to have her control taken, to be hurt again. He was pretty sure she didn’t even count what went down in this motel room as sex.

Hence why she never orgasmed. Never found physical pleasure in the act.

Until him.

And damn if that didn’t make him even fucking harder.

Slowly, she closed the distance to the foot of the bed once again.

Rocket held his breath, the pulsing ache in his cock a match for his pounding heart.

“Y-your mouth stays between my legs,” she said, one knee landing on the bed to the side of his foot.


She wasn’t done. “You don’t try to see if your hands can reach any part of my body.” The other knee hit the mattress. She was officially straddling him, although a good few feet south of the end goal.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Not even so much as a flicker of happiness. In fact, her spine was so straight and her body so rigid, she’d probably snap in two if a stiff breeze blew through the room. What he’d mistaken for a steel spine was clearly anxiety and fear.

Normally, he wouldn’t push a terrified woman so far, but he was pretty damn sure she wouldn’t be feeling anything but fucking bliss in the next few minutes.

“And if and when I tell you to stop, you do it. No questions asked.”

He almost snorted. No way in fucking hell would she beg him to stop. Not once he got his tongue on her clit. She might beg, but it’d just be for more. “Understood. Anything else?”

Chloe stared a minute then shook her head.

“Then scoot on up here because as skilled as I am, even I can’t get you off when your pussy is that far away.”

She did, inching her way up his body as though making her way to the end of a plank instead of an orgasm. Had the reason for her trepidation not been so sad, the situation might have been comical. As it was, Rocket felt a strange urge to wrap his arms around her and shield her from anything else the world might throw her way.

When she reached his shoulders, she had to widen her legs to continue given the slightly awkward positioning of his bound arms. But they made it work. Finally, she was where she needed to be.

Chloe gripped the headboard, her arms visibly trembling. To keep from embarrassing her, Rocket shifted his focus to her pussy, hovering right above his mouth. Not that it was any kind of hardship to stare at her. She was wet, pink, and shaved to just a small triangle of neatly trimmed auburn hair.

A beautiful sight.

“W-why aren’t you doing anything?” she asked, voice quivering with each word.

“Shh, can’t rush a master.”

A strangled laugh escaped, and he flicked his gaze to her face.

“A master, huh?” Her right eyebrow was arched high into her forehead. “Think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you?”

Rocket couldn’t keep the smile off his face if he was paid to frown. This was the first sign of any playfulness she’d exhibited since he’d met her. Hell, since he’d been tailing her. And it made her even more striking. Even harder to resist.

“Guess you’re about to find out.”

With that. He darted his tongue out, making a quick swipe directly over her clit.

Chloe gasped, her hips bucking at the shock of sensation.

“Just making sure you’re paying attention,” he quipped right before taking a quick nip of her thigh.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024