Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 65

Chloe licked her dry lips nearly making him groan. The action shot straight to his dick. He was a sick fuck who couldn’t even give her this serious conversation without wanting to feel that damn tongue lapping at his cock. “Logan, the number of men I’ve been with in the past few months would shock most people in polite society.” As she spoke, she again averted her gaze as though too embarrassed to face him.

Snorting, he captured her chin between his thumb and forefinger. When she was once again facing him, he said, “First of all, fuck polite society. My brothers and I haven’t lived in that world ever. I couldn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of you, and I have no problem introducing anyone who gives you lip to our enforcer, Zach. He and Louie will make them wish they’d never been born.”

Unable to turn away since he still held her chin captive, Chloe frowned. “I haven’t met Louie.”

“He’s a bat. A Louisville Slugger to be exact. One Zach uses to help people see things from his perspective.”

Chloe gasped, her eyes growing huge. She was so goddamned pretty.

“Baby, what you endured after Lefty kidnapped you would break most people. There’s not a damn person alive who has the right to judge you for the way you’re handling shit now.”

“Logan,” she whispered, scooting closer.

It was then he realized he’d had his hands on her for the past few moments. One on her face, the other still resting on her shoulder. He’d touched her more since they entered his room than he had the entire time he’d know her. And she seemed to be okay with it. Maybe because she was too distracted to notice.

“You think I don’t get it? You think I don’t understand what you’re doing isn’t about sex? You were raped,” he said, pretending her flinch didn’t gut him. “You were tied up, and men touched you against your will.” Saying this and witnessing her pained reaction wasn’t easy, but necessary. She had to understand that he didn’t blame her for the way she’d been living recently. It was a product of trauma. Not who she was.

“The only time I’ve been able to breathe lately is when I have that feeling of control. Of power. It only lasts for a few minutes, but it’s become vital to my surviving each week without completely breaking down.”

He nodded. “I get it. You know I was in the Marines. When I separated, I was recruited by a private defense contractor because of certain skills I possessed. Babe, you wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve seen. Worst of the worst. Fuck, you wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve done. There’s no script for how people are going to react when their ship is blown to fucking bits. All you can do is grab the nearest floating object and hold on for dear life. And that’s what you’ve done.”

“Even though I’ve always used protection that I’ve purchased myself, what I’m doing is not exactly a smart or healthy decision.” Her fingers played with the patches on his cut. Over and over she traced the Sergeant at Arms patch below his name. She shrugged. “I know how risky it is. I just can’t seem to stop myself.”

He nodded. “You stopped over the past few weeks.”

She stared at him. “Not really. Yes, I was only with you, but I was still handcuffing you to the bed. I’ve barely let you touch me at all. You have to admit it’s still been more about me taking control than us having some kind of mutually pleasurable sex.”

“You come though. Every time, multiple times.” If he sounded smug, he couldn’t help it.

Her face turned an adorable shade of red. “There is that.”

“And you like it. Want more of it. More orgasms, not just psychological relief. Can you tell me the past few weekends have only been about the power and control?” Hell, he didn’t give a shit if she wanted to tie him up and ride him every single time they were together. They both came. Him hard as hell, and for her, it was happening easier and with more abandon. Their sex may not have been about mutual pleasure in the beginning, but she was lying to them both if she didn’t think what burned between them wasn’t straight up desire for each other.

Slowly her head moved side to side as her forehead crinkled in thought. “No. I can’t say that.”

“What else has it been about for you?”

She swallowed. “Pleasure. When I’m with you, it’s about pleasure for the first time since I was kidnapped.”

There’s my strong girl. His girl? Shit. There was no his anything. As evident by the manipulative asshole in town gunning for him, Rocket’s life wasn’t conducive to him having any kind of claim on a woman for longer than a few nights. But that was an issue to conquer after he helped slay Chloe’s dragons. “So, you’re having orgasms. I’m having orgasms. You can stand being in my company, right?”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024