Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 76

Logan raked his teeth across her bottom lip, eliciting a deep shudder and a low moan from her. Before she had time to react to the aggressive move, he was plunging his tongue into her mouth and sampling her from within. God, he tasted so damn good. His lips were firm and demanding as he stole her sanity.

She wanted to be bold. To launch her own attack on his mouth, but he controlled her so masterfully she could do nothing but absorb his sensual assault. Finally, when her lungs practically screamed for oxygen, he ended the kiss. Of course, he didn’t just draw away. No, he once again took her lip between his stark white teeth, pulling it out before releasing it. The moment her lip sprung back, she licked the sting away.

Panting, they stared at each other before he finally said, “When I look at you, I see a woman I want to bury myself in so deep I might never find my way out.” He grabbed her hand and placed it over the iron rod tenting his jeans.

Holy shit. How had she missed that?

“I can’t be in a room with you and not be ready to fuck you. You are one hundred percent sexy-as-fuck woman. I do not see you as a victim.”

Her fingers curled around the bulge beneath her palm as her eyes widened. His words…she didn’t know how to describe what they did to her. There was only one thing left to say. “Take me to your house, Logan. I want you.” She was ready to be with him. Ready to leave the safety of other people and be alone with Logan all night. A huge step, but one that felt right.

His eyes narrowed and he seemed to understand the unspoken plea. She wanted him in a way she hadn’t had him before. Tonight, he wouldn’t be cuffed to a bed, and she wouldn’t be riding him with the sole purpose of ridding her mind of demons. Tonight would be about pleasure.

“Fuck,” he rasped out. “Get on the bike before I lose my mind and take you right here.”

Chloe shivered before throwing one leg over the bike, then donning her helmet for the second time. Once she was settled behind him with her arms snug around his waist, he hit the throttle and made his way toward his home.

The ride was euphoric, something she didn’t have the opportunity to experience last time. Two minutes in, Chloe completely understood the fascination with motorcycles. Rocket handled the winding mountain roads and switchbacks like he was born to it. The first few times he made a nearly ninety-degree turn, her heart lurched into her throat, but it wasn’t long before she realized his skill as a rider and relaxed into the ride. The day was picture-worthy. Crystal clear blue sky, warm sun, slight breeze, mountain view. Damn near perfect.

After fifteen minutes, the scenery grew even more mountainous. They had to be fairly high, elevation-wise. Were they heading toward his house or was he just riding through the mountains to clear his mind?

A few moments later, she got her answer. They pulled up to the most stunning house Chloe had ever seen. “Logan,” she breathed as she hopped off the bike before he’d even killed the engine. Taking two steps toward what could only be described as a log cabin on steroids, she stroked her hand down his arm. “This is where you live?”

He nodded. If only those eyes weren’t hidden behind dark glasses. He was watching her, assessing her reaction to his home, but she was at a disadvantage. His reaction to her impression of his home was obscured.

“It—” she swallowed as an emotion she couldn’t name rose in her throat. “It’s magnificent.” She’d been right, they were fairly high in the mountains and the view from his wraparound porch had to be remarkable. A two-story home made entirely of long logs. The second level also had a balcony winding around the sides of the house. A set of French doors on the second level led inside from the balcony. Was it in the master bedroom? God, how incredible must it be to open those doors and watch the sun rise or set?


“Did you build this?” Any other time she’d have been embarrassed about the reverence in her voice, but come on, the man was an artist.

Again, he only nodded. Made sense. Her presence was the ultimate invasion into his private life. She understood. Since her kidnapping, Scott was the only one beside her parents she’d allowed into her home. Too intimate, having someone in her personal space. Logan’s standard defense mechanism was silence. His impenetrable wall always kept people out. Right then and there it became her mission to infiltrate and stay behind that wall. She’d dipped down a few times, but as evident by his sealed lips, she hadn’t remained there.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024