Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5) - Page 89

Straightening on Logan’s lap, she looked her brother in the eye. “No,” she said, pleased with the strength of her voice. “They beat me. Badly. And…” Just breathe. “And they raped me,” she said as she looked Scott square in the eye.

Anguish flashed across his face, impossible to miss. “They?”

Chloe swallowed. “Three of them,” she whispered.

Logan’s arm tightened almost to the point of uncomfortable. She risked a glance at him. His jaw was like granite, nostrils flared, eyes shooting sparks, but he held himself in check despite the fact the information was new for him as well.

Scott did not. “Fuck. Fuck!” he screamed as he sprang from the couch. “Tell me these fuckers paid. Tell me you’ve got their dicks in a jar in your closet.”

What the…

“Scott,” she began.

“No, Sis.” He paced the length of her small living room, hands clutched in his hair. “Christ, are you…shit! I don’t even know what to ask.”

“I’m all right, Scott. Now anyway. Physically, I’m all healed and I’m working through the mental stuff.” She glanced at Logan who gave her a much softer squeeze. His facial expression was still as serious as she’d ever seen it. This had to be almost as hard for him as it was for her to recount. Remembering her in the state he’d found her couldn’t be easy. “Logan’s helping me more than you could know. He’s a good man.” She said for his benefit as much as Scott’s.

The groan that left her brother was tortured. “He’s an outlaw biker, Chloe. Not what you need.”

After pressing a quick kiss to Logan’s flat mouth, she focused on her brother. “I told you the truth. Gave you what you asked for. My relationship with Logan is not up for discussion. You do not get a say in anything related to him.”

“Aww, isn’t that sweet. Had no idea you had such a champion in your corner, Rocket,” said a man from Chloe’s now open doorway.

In a flash, Logan had deposited her on the couch and was standing between her and whoever had entered her house. Her whole body locked up at the thought of an uninvited male in her house.

Shit, was it Lefty? Chloe forced herself to breathe in an even in-and-out pattern. No. She’d recognize Lefty’s voice anywhere. She’d heard it in her head daily for months after she was rescued. This wasn’t Lefty.

“Who the fuck are you?” Scott asked as he reached for his gun.

“Don’t,” Logan barked. Gone was the calm façade he’d shown all morning. In its place was a predator.

Scott froze.

Chloe leaned to her right. Her heart pounded as she took in the newcomer. She gasped then covered her mouth as recognition set in.

“You crossed a fucking line, old man.” Logan advanced toward him but Chloe grabbed his arm, holding him back. He’d left his weapon in his saddle bag, thinking they’d be in and out in under five minutes. Knowing Logan as she did, she knew he’d beat himself up over that for a long time.

The menacing grin that crossed the man’s face told them all he didn’t care how many lines he crossed. A shiver raced down Chloe’s spine.

However crazy the evening had already been, it’d just gotten a whole lot worse.


“YOU MADE THIS so easy it was almost boring,” Esposito said in a droll tone, as though he really was bored when Rocket knew he was fucking elated by this turn of events.

Icy rage surged through Rocket’s veins.

How could he have been so goddamned oblivious?

Beside him, Scott tensed, as prepared for action as Rocket.

“Let me reach for my gun,” Scott muttered so low he almost missed the words. “I think he’s unarmed.”

From talking with Chloe a few weeks ago, he’d learned Scott had been serving as a Green Beret for over a decade. Meant the man was more than capable of handling himself and protecting Chloe. Though if anyone was going to stick near Chloe, it’d be Rocket.

“Tell him,” Esposito said after a few seconds of silence ticked by. Of course he heard Scott’s murmuring.

Over the years, Rocket had learned the quiet could be his best weapon. People often hung themselves if he gave them enough rope. But Esposito wasn’t a naive fool who’d fall for his psychological warfare. Still, Rocket fell back on old habits.

“He’s always armed,” he finally said.

“Who the fuck is he?”

“Esposito,” Chloe whispered from her spot on the couch.

Dammit, Rocket had nearly forgotten Copper had passed Esposito’s photograph around the clubhouse. Though Chloe was clever enough to figure it out without visual aid.

“Esposito, huh?” Scott said, letting some bravado enter his voice. “That supposed to mean something to me?”

“He runs DarkOps,” Chloe said while Rocket remained mute.

“Ahh, I see you told your pretty lady about me,” Esposito said with a wink for Chloe.

“Eyes on me, old man.” Rocket growled. So much for not talking. One glance at Chloe and he was ready to pounce.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024