Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 58

“LJ,” Holly cried as her hands curled into his biceps and her head fell against his chest.

“Jack,” he countered as he swept an arm under her leg, lifting her off the ground then lowering them to the blanket. “When we’re like this, I’m Jack.”

“Jack,” Holly said, but it sounded more like a plea. A long shudder ran through her. She was close.

His hand never left her sex, stroking inside with confident swipes of his fingers. Holly rocked her pelvis like she was eager for more. After searching for his pants with his left hand, he dug around in his pocket until he found the foil packet he’d been carrying since the day after he fucking met her. No way in hell was he going to miss an opportunity to fuck her because he’d forgotten the rubber. Sitting on his ass with his knees bent, he tore the packet open and sheathed his cock. Then he reclined back on his elbows. From somewhere under the blanket, a rock gouged into his back. Not that he minded. If anyone was going to have Mother Nature digging into them, it’d be him. He’d die before risking her silky smooth skin to the harsh forest floor.

Besides, if all went according to plan, he’d be feeling nothing but euphoria in a matter of minutes. “C’mere, sugar,” he ordered as he watched Holly watching him. Her lower lip rested between her teeth, and she looked so adorably uncertain he wanted to promise her the fucking world.

“LJ,” she started but stopped at his raised eyebrow. “Jack, I can’t…the light.” Her hands lifted in a gesture of helplessness before she crossed her arms over her chest.

Jesus. Insecurity? Really? Holly was hands down the sexiest fucking woman he’d ever laid eyes on and she was insecure about riding him? Looked like he had some work to do. “Give me your hand,” he said in a near bark.

Holly jumped and extended her right hand on impulse. With a grin, he curled it around his wrapped cock. “Feel how hard that fucker is?”

She tilted her head, a half-smile on her lips. “I feel it. Just like I felt it in my mouth.”

LJ groaned and closed his fist around hers, applying just the right amount of pressure to his needy cock. He loved that about her. The combination of shyness and sass. It kept him guessing. With a wink, he cupped one of her breasts and thumbed her nipple. Holly’s eyes fell closed as she whimpered.

“Every inch of me is hard for one reason and one reason only, sugar. Because I want inside your body. I don’t know why you’re feeling shy or timid right now, but I will tell you with one hundred percent honesty that I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid my goddammed eyes on. So please, put me out of my misery and let me see you as you climb up on my cock.”

His words seemed to do the trick. A small smile curled Holly’s lips, and she leaned forward, bracing her hands on his chest. Then she swung one leg over his stomach until she fully straddled him, her ass and that slippery pussy flush against his abs. In a move that shocked him and had him shouting her name, she rubbed that drenched pussy up and down the ridges of his stomach.

With her fingers curling into his pecs, Holly’s full tits hung heavy toward his face, the pebbled nipples calling to him. “This better?”

“Fuck yes.” He did a half sit up and captured one stiff bud between his lips, giving it a hard suck. Holly cried out in pleasure. “Have I mentioned how much I love your tits?” he said, his lips brushing her wet nipple.

She giggled. “Once or twice.”


“Can I take that ride now, Jack?”

“Fuck, yeah, baby.” Christ, his name sounded good on her lips.

Sweet Holly had been taken over by a sexy siren. Radiating new-found confidence that hopefully came from the knowledge she was desperately wanted, Holly shimmied down his body. She rubbed her drenched pussy over his cock and the heat nearly blistered him.

Little tease.

If tomorrow her father decided to kill him, it will have all been worth it for this moment right here. Wrapping her small hand around his cock, Holly positioned him at her entrance where she hovered over him. As she began to sink down, she caught her lower lip between her teeth. LJ made a mental note to bite that same lip later on.

With a high-pitched squeak, her eyes widened as the tip of his shaft disappeared inside her. With the way her pussy grasped him, he had to be stretching her to the max.

“Fuck me, you’re tight.” His back arched as fiery pleasure shot up his spine. The movement pushed his dick deeper into Holly, who gasped.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024