Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 31

They went around for a few moments teasing Jig and laughing. Copper fucking hated to drag down the mood, but it had to be done.

“Quiet it up. We got some serious shit to discuss for a few moments.”

A hush fell over the room until Rocket said, “Chrome Disciples.”

All eyes turned to him. Shocked eyes. Not once in the years he’d been in the club had he spoken up first. On anything.

“Chrome Disciples,” Copper confirmed.

“We really concerned about them?” LJ asked with a frown. The big guy was the only man in the club larger than Copper himself.

With a heavy sigh, Copper rested his elbows on the table. “Not sure, to be honest,” he said. “Don’t know how much of what Blade or Crank have been saying is posturing and how much they’re willing to back up with action.”

“Gut feeling?” Jig asked as he ran a thumb over the scar on his cheek.

“Not good.”

“Yeah,” Zach said as he shifted forward in his chair. “I’m with you. I’ve put some feelers out with some contacts, prez.” As enforcer, Zach had quite a few friends in low places. Men who owed him favors all over the state. “Finally got something worth reporting just before I got here.”

“Tell me what you got.”

“Looks like they’re setting up shop in Walland. Reports are they purchased an abandoned warehouse and might be turning it into their clubhouse.”

Walland. The next town over. So not Townsend, thank fuck, but way too close for comfort. Though his club could cause plenty of issues being just one town over, at least there wouldn’t be an all-out turf war for Townsend. Copper rubbed his chin.

“We know what they’re into?” Screw asked. He’d been working with Zach ever since he prospected, sort of a backup enforcer.

Here came the part he’d been dreading. “We’re hearing guns. But Crank admitted he knew Lefty. Said they had some business associates in common. Know at least one of their guys did time for rape.”

“Fuck!” said Jig as he slapped his hand on the table. His woman had been assaulted on Lefty’s orders, not raped as Chloe had, but roughed up and choked.

Across the table, Rocket sat still, clenching his teeth so hard his cheek twitched. “He confronted Chloe when she was alone in the park.”

“Shit,” LJ whispered. “She okay?”

Rocket nodded. “Yeah, she’s good. Just freaked her a bit. He knew details of her kidnapping. Not sure if this fucker is a trafficker, but he at least knows that world. Seems he does run guns. Maybe he’s outfitting the fuckers who traffic women.”

Copper needed to think. “I spoke with their president a few days ago. Guy goes by Blade. Seems smart, ballsy, and determined to settle in this area. He likes the tourist traffic and isolation of the mountains. Now, if the fucker wants to open a cat house or some shit, I don’t give a fuck, but if he’s gonna be moving weapons or women all through the county, we’re fucked. That shit will bring some serious ugly to our little slice of the pie.”

His brothers nodded, a few expressing their frustration with vulgar suggestions for Blade and Crank. All this shit was way too heavy for the week of Christmas.

“What’s our play, Cop?” Zach asked.

Copper rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. “Not sure yet. For now, I want you all to keep a close eye on your ol’ ladies. Seems Crank likes to pop in on them to stir shit up. If you need a prospect or help looking out, let me know. Let’s get through the holidays then reevaluate.”

He cast a glance at Rocket. Of all the men, he was the one mostly to go off and act without authorization. Rocket had the skills to remove the Chrome Disciples for good, but they had to be careful. Enemies couldn’t keep disappearing without the Handlers blipping on the cops, or worse, the FBI’s radar.

“You okay with that?” he asked Rocket.

Though he looked mad enough to spit nails, Rocket nodded.

“Anyone you can check in with to get some more info?”

Again, he only nodded. Rocket had more connections than the rest of the club combined, but he didn’t often call on them. Sometimes they came with strings attached.

“All right. Let’s get outta here. Keep your eyes and ears open, men. Especially when it comes to your women. If I don’t see you, have a merry fucking Christmas. Otherwise, I’ll see you here on Christmas Day.”

A lot of the guys got together Christmas Eve as well, but that wasn’t exactly a family-friendly party. Now that he had Shell and Beth waiting at home, he’d be spending that night watching Frozen with his girls and trying to convince Beth Santa would only visit if she actually went to sleep.

Not to mention he’d be working to keep his ol’ lady from picking up on his fucking worries.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024