Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 65

“Fucking hell,” Copper said.

Zach echoed those sentiments in his head. The women sat on either side of Lindsey, huddled together shivering. Not one of them had any protection from the cold, not even so much as a fucking mitten among them.

His gaze immediately sought out Toni’s. Her nose shone bright red as did her cheeks, no doubt chapped and stinging from the biting cold. She’d sucked her hands into the sleeves of her shirt, bunching the fabric to keep them inside. The effort couldn’t have been worth much. Her shirt had soaked up the falling snow, appearing wetter than wet, and Toni visibly shook with the force of her shivers.

As did the other two.

Shell’s arms crossed protectively over her midsection as though she could somehow keep the baby safe and warm while poor Lindsey hugged her knees to her chest.

“You boys got here fast,” Crank said. The fucker still wore that stupid Santa hat the women had reported. “Wasn’t expecting you here. Was just about to give these ladies a ride to our next destination. Blade is looking forward to meeting them.” As he spoke, a white panel van rumbled down the road, slowing to a stop behind Zach’s truck.

Wasn’t one of theirs, so it had to be more Disciples.

Now they were fucking boxed in from the front and back.

By now, the snow had slowed to a light flurry, but the air remained popsicle cold.

“Went to a lotta trouble to get me here,” Copper said. “Coulda just asked me for a fucking meeting.”

With an unrepentant grin, Crank shrugged. “Talk is so very fucking cheap, as they say. I’m a man of action.”

Copper grunted. Though he appeared calm on the outside, Zach knew his prez was anything but beneath his skin. His pregnant wife suffered, and Copper would make Crank suffer far worse.

The familiar weight of his bat dangling from his right hand provided Zach with a measure of comfort. Even though he couldn’t hit bullets with it, he could inflict some serious fucking damage.

And he planned to.

“So that’s what this was? A little demonstration to show me what you can do? Show me how easy it is to snatch what’s mine?”

Another casual shrug. “Worked, didn’t it? You’re taking us fucking seriously now, ain’t ya?”

“The girl one of yours?” Copper asked, pointing to Lindsey.

Crank’s head fell back as he let out a loud laugh. “What’s the matter, Copper? Your woman getting too old for you already? You the kind who likes ’em real young? Because you know, I can provide that if we come to an arrangement. You could even have this one right here.” He thumbed his hand at Lindsey, who quivered and shook her head.

Toni wrapped an arm around her, whispering in the girl’s ear and, hopefully, informing her Copper would never lay a fucking hand on her. None of the Handlers would. His woman was a fucking rock star. Terrified, frozen, yet more concerned with Lindsey’s wellbeing than her own. Just what he’d come to expect from her.

“Whatdya say to a little joint venture?” Crank asked. “Any idea how much we could make together moving weapons through these mountains? Fuck, man, we could all retire in a few years.”

“Already told your president what I say to that.”

Crank laughed again. “Did you? Hmm, you’ll have to remind me. Not sure he passed on the message.”

“Love to. I say, fuck you.”

“That’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”

Zach could feel the tension and fury rising in Copper. It flowed off him in waves. Shell’s gaze remained riveted to her man while Toni stared at Zach. He hated this shit. There they were, stuck with no real moves. Who the fuck knew how many guys were in that van behind them or how much artillery it held. Copper had his pistol, and Zach had Louie and one gun as well. Not much to go on. It wasn’t as though they could start firing in the direction of the picnic table.

Crank held all the power. At least until the cavalry arrived.

“Let’s cut the bullshit,” Copper said, taking a step forward.

Crank’s gun leveled on him. “Far enough.”

As though he didn’t have a deadly weapon pointed at his chest, Copper continued. “You’re good. We can all see that. You fooled us for weeks then lured our ol’ ladies here by tugging on their heart-strings like a fucking puppet master. Big man, you are. We don’t want a piece of your business today, and we won’t tomorrow or next year. My club doesn’t deal in guns. All you’re doing is setting yourself up for an ending like Lefty. One where your body fucking rots in a hole, and no one gives a shit you’re gone.”

The longer Copper kept them talking, the better chance of Rocket and Screw mobilizing help.

“They had fun with it too,” Zach said, shooting a grin Crank’s way. Toni’s eyes widened at his words, but he couldn’t worry about shocking her now. “Rocket sliced that fucker up real good. Starting with his dick. Messy shit, but fucking satisfying.” He rested Louie on the ground, leaning his weight on the bat.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024