Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 10

“Of course he understands, sir,” Missy said in her sugary voice, so sweet Luke’s teeth were near rotting from hearing it his whole life. For once, wouldn’t it be amazing if she actually meant it? If she was the type of mom who’d take him home, read home the riot act, then ground him for a month? He nearly laughed out loud. What kind of kid wanted to be grounded?

One craving a parent who loved them.

“We both understand how generous you’ve been to give my Luke this extra chance to prove he can behave. And we’re so grateful. You must really care about my son.” She leaned forward, giving Kavanaugh an even more prime view of the tits nearly spilling out of her shirt. Luke swore she borrowed her tops from his six-year-old cousin.

Somehow, he resisted the urge to vomit and kept his face neutral. He could pretend this conversation bored him instead of sickened him.

Kavanaugh smiled and out popped a third chin in front of the others. The bastard’s wide red nose seemed to spread even farther, those spider web veins becoming even more prominent. His cheeks and the shiny bald spot on the top of his fat head flushed, nearly matching that Rudolph nose.

“Well, that-that’s just great. I’m glad to hear it, Miss Roulette.”

Jesus, if this went on any longer, Luke would need to find a fucking drool bib for the guy.

As though finally remembering the one he was actually supposed to address, Kavanaugh focused on Luke. “This is the fifth time you’ve been in my office this year, son.”

Son? Jesus fucking Christ. Luke gripped the edge of the armrests to keep from launching out of his chair and slapping the patronizing grin off his principal’s face. Son. Like Missy was gonna see this prick as some sort of fatherly figure for him. What a joke.

“Per district guidelines, I should have expelled you by now. But I’m giving you another chance. One last chance.” He shook his finger.

Christ, was this guy for real? Was he supposed to thank him now? Maybe nudge his mom in ol’ Kav’s direction?

“You humiliated those boys. I can’t keep letting this stuff slide, Lucas. Detention, even suspending you doesn’t seem to be enough. Parents of the other children are starting to get involved. If you do something like this again, I’ll have no choice but to expel you. Do you understand?”

Luke ran his tongue over his teeth. Had he brushed them that morning? Huh, he couldn’t remember.

“Lukey?” his mother said, sounding like the most concerned mom to ever have walked the planet.

Complete horseshit.

And he understood all right. He understood Kavanaugh was dumb enough to believe giving Luke an extra chance was going to increase his chances of getting his hands on those tits Missy was teasing him with. What Kavanaugh didn’t understand was that Missy was a look-but-don’t-touch kinda gal. She flaunted what she had all over town, leaving a trail of slobbering losers in her wake, but it was nothing more than the ultimate tease. The principal was just another in a long line of horny morons to fall for her shit.

What a stupid fuck.

Why the hell would he want a father figure anyway? The last one to grace their lives bailed after stealing Missy’s hard-earned tit-shaking money. Probably went right up his nose.

“Lukey?” his mother said again, still sounding like she gave many shits about her son, but his time, she dug the spike of her fuck-me heel into his toe. The action occurred under the desk, hidden from Kavanaugh’s sight.

Jesus, fuck that shit hurt. No wonder men bowed at her feet. Forget the tits, platinum hair, and peek-a-boo shorts, she probably threatened to pop their balls with those spears.

Well, he had to give them something if he didn’t want to spend the rest of his day in the office. “Yeah, yeah. No more shit. Got it.”

She narrowed her eyes at him before turning those baby blues—contacts of course, not much on her was real—back on his principal. “There you go, Mr. K. You won’t have any more trouble from him.” She stood and held out her hand, neon blue nails and all.

“Well thank you, Miss Roulette. I appreciate your involvement. It’s obvious how deeply you care about your son.”

Oh, gag me with a dick. Missy appreciated one thing and one thing only.


Well, cash too. Look at that, she cared about two whole things. Progress.

Kavanaugh stood and took his mother’s hand, holding it far longer than a normal handshake. Her slender cigarette-stained hand nearly disappeared in the giant mitt his principal had. What were the chances that same hand would be stroking the guy’s dick to thoughts of Missy later?

Pretty damn high.

“Let’s go, Lukey.”

Luke stood, slung his worn backpack over his shoulder and got the fuck out of that office without a backward glance. Two days of suspension meant nothing beyond two days of freedom. He could use it. He hadn’t been laid in a few days and the college guy he’d been fucking on the sly had his girlfriend in town for a visit. He claimed she was up for anything including a threesome with a high school junior.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024