Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 46

With a nod Zach said, “Yeah, same one every time. She’s back at that campground with Shell and Toni, only they hate her for her role in tricking them. When we show up to rescue our women, we leave her to the Chrome Disciples. She wakes up screaming in terror every time. It’s fucking wrecking Toni.”

“Shit,” Screw said. Damn, his heart went out to that girl. Her brother had been a prospect for the Chrome Disciples when their parents died unexpectedly, leaving her in his care. The guy was a piece of fucking shit, who got himself booted from the club before he patched in. As payment for their time and trouble, Lindsey was left with the CDMC. As far as Screw knew, she wasn’t sexually assaulted, but she sure as hell wasn’t treated well either. They’d knocked her around and pretty much used her as a servant, including making her cozy up to Toni with the end goal of fucking with the Handlers. Their plan worked. Toni’s soft spot for troubled youth had her falling hard for Lindsey. She and Shell nearly ended up kidnapped by the CDMC when Lindsey called Toni stating she needed help. The women ran to her aid, falling into the CDMC’s well laid trap. Zach got shot during the rescue effort and all three women were treated for hypothermia after being out in the elements for far too long. In the end, they liberated Lindsey from the club and the kid now had a permanent home with Z and Toni. No wonder Copper suspected foul play with this party business.

“How’s the shoulder, bro?” Screw asked Zach as Toni meandered over with a fresh pot of coffee. She poured a cup for her ol’ man before topping off Screw and Copper’s mugs.

“Sore, but not too bad,” Z answered as he slipped an arm around his woman’s waist. “Toni takes good care of me.”

“Sure do.” Toni leaned in and gave her man a kiss Zach quickly took advantage of. After a few seconds of tongue tangling, a flushed Toni gently pushed him away. “I may own the place,” she said with a chastising grin for Z, “but that doesn’t mean my patrons want to see me sucking face.”

After shooting them a sassy wink, she sauntered back toward the counter.

“Damn, I love that ass,” Zach said in a reverent tone.

It was a pretty good ass.

“Hey, eyes front, fucker,” Zach snapped.

With a smirk, Screw shifted his gaze. “You’re the one who drew my attention to it.”

“I’m also gonna be the one to gouge your eyes out of your head. Enough of this shit. What had you two looking like you wanted to go at each other’s throats when I walked in?”

The glower reappeared on Copper’s face, and he jammed a finger in Screw’s direction. “This fucker here staked out the gas station where Jazz ran into the Disciples. Sure enough, one of their prospects showed up, and he fucking talked to him. Got himself invited to a party this weekend.”

One of Zach’s blonde eyebrows took a trip into his forehead. “You shitting me?”

“Nope,” Screw said with a shrug. If Copper wanted him to apologize, he’d be disappointed.

“That why you’re wearing this shit? Why you wanted my suit?”

With a nod, Screw said, “Yep. Figured he wouldn’t get suspicious of a businessman who didn’t live here permanently. Guy had a shiny new Fat Boy in the back of his truck. Chatted him up about it and before you know it, I got an invite to their housewarming party this weekend. Squirt warned me I better not be a prude.” He chuckled. “Claims their women will do pretty much any fucking thing I want.”

With a grunt, Z rolled his eyes before shifting to face Copper. “It’s not a bad idea, boss,” he said earning him a death glare.

“You’re right. It’s a shitty-assed-terrible-fucking-dicked-up-motherfucking-bad idea.” Copper dropped his voice which had begun to rise again. “He’s out of his fucking mind if he thinks I’m gonna okay this bullshit,” he said, pointing a finger at Screw.

Zach sighed. “Might be our best shot at some serious intel.”

Shaking his head, Copper said, “No. Not happening.” His face fell into a stony mask. “It’s not worth the risk. They put serious time and effort into the kidnap attempt on Toni and Shell. What makes you think this is any different? What makes you think they don’t know what each and every one of us look like? Right now, they’re sitting in their clubhouse, hands on each other’s dicks giving each other a jerk for a job well done.”

“Huh,” Screw said as he scratched his chin. “Actually, that sounds like it might be right up my alley. Sure you won’t reconsider?”

The look Copper shot him had his hands raising in surrender. “All right. I hear ya, prez. Consider it dropped.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024