Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 39

Last thing they needed was for the club to kick them out and refuse to let the men even prospect.

Viper sighed and it caused Cassie to sink her teeth into her lower lip rather than continue talking. Criticizing his brother was a risk. Would he blindly side with Sarge? Hell, he’d known her no more than a week and Sarge was a close friend and club brother. Despite how he left the Devil’s Tribe, the bond of bikers was tight, and Viper might not take well to her voicing concerns. Must be an incredible feeling to have such loyalty at one’s back. Cassie couldn’t think of a single person from the life she just left that would jump to her defense no matter what.

But once again, he surprised her when he rumbled, “Yeah. I’m tracking that, Cas. Hoping he just needs time to adjust to all the changes.” Resting his chin on her head, he rubbed circles on her back.

Immediately, the tension seeped from her body and she melted against him. How was this man able to turn her to mush with one innocent touch? His words made sense too. She’d do well to remember Sarge’s life had been flipped upside down as much as her and Viper’s. The upheaval didn’t give him a free pass to be an asshole, but she could excuse a few freakouts. As long as they didn’t become the norm.

“Everything is gonna be all right. I don’t want you to worry about him or anything besides finding us a place to rent.”

“What about a job?” she asked. “I should probably be out looking for a job.” Did he hear the huskiness in her voice as his caress wound her up?

His hands slipped under the hem of her T-shirt. Strong fingers danced up and down her spine erecting a trail of goose bumps. God, his hands felt so good…

“What did you go to school for?”

Mmmm, nothing compared to him touching her.


“Huh?” She blinked against his chest. “Sorry, what?”

He chuckled. “I asked what you went to school for.”

“Oh. Political Science.” She shrugged. “Basically, a worthless degree. I, uh…” Her face heated. “There was a lot of pressure from my father to go that route then get my MBA as he did. To be honest, I still don’t know what I’d like to do long term, so I figured Political Science was as good an undergrad degree as anything. And it bought me four years of my father’s happiness while I tried to find my own path. So, I can just get a job waiting tables or something. I’m not qualified for much.” God, how embarrassing to admit the truth of that. Four years of college and not only did she not know what she’d like to do, she had no job experience to help her get a foot in the door anywhere.

“First off, I don’t believe that shit for a minute. I guarantee you’re qualified for a hundred jobs. But, I don’t want you stressing about it. We’ll get there. No rush for you to find a job. I’ll support us while you get used to a new life.” His own voice had dropped and thickened.


“Mmm,” she said as her eyes grew heavy. She should protest. Being a kept woman wasn’t what she wanted out of him. Plus, she had her trust fund from her grandparents. Neither of them had to stress about money for the foreseeable future. But her brain was slowly turning to jelly in her skull.

A hard projection nudged her stomach and she nearly moaned. Shit, he was as turned on as she was. Following the conversation would be impossible in seconds.

Priorities, Cassandra.

Right. Adulting first. Fun later. “I wish you would let me use the money in my trust, Viper. It would make things so much easier for us. For you.” She’d informed him of it two days prior and he’d shut her down cold.

His hands left her skin and she almost cried at the loss, but they were back seconds later, only this time framing her face. He tilted her head back so she had no choice but to stare into his serious blue orbs. “That’s your money, Cassie. Now there may come a time when we need it, but we’re not there yet. And I don’t want you accessing any accounts until we are certain we can pull it off without being tracked. Okay?”

God, even the feel of his hands on her face while he spoke to her about freaking bank accounts got her wet.


“Yeah, I hear you. Just promise me you won’t do that macho guy shit where you refuse to let me help if we get to the point where we need it.”

He smiled this crooked grin she’d noticed happened whenever he was truly amused. “Promise. No macho shit.” In a move that had her yelping in surprise, he grabbed her ass and hoisted her up onto the dresser next to the television. His boots kept his feet from getting cut by the glass. “Well, maybe some macho shit,” he said with a wink, making her laugh. “Now can we stop talking so I can get my dick inside you? It’s been about seven hours since I got to hear you beg me to fuck you harder and deeper.” As he spoke, he lowered his mouth until his lips brushed hers with every word. “I’m going through fucking withdrawal.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024