Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 52

Instead of flashing a grin and telling her he was fine, he whispered. “Just stay alert. Sarge has a reason for being here. And he hasn’t shared it with me.”

Her solemn gaze told him she caught the unspoken message. Things might go to shit. Be prepared. After a single nod, she turned back toward Sarge who, now mid-way through his order was staring at Cindy’s tits without shame.

“Whiskey,” he said. “Neat. And keep it coming. Extra tip in it for ya if you serve it to me between those beauties.” His stare made it clear exactly what he was referring to.

“Jesus,” Cassie muttered.

“You got it,” Cindy said with another wink. “Nachos and whiskey. A man after my own heart. But the other part ain’t gonna happen.” She peeked over her shoulder before turning to Sarge. “See that big guy tending bar?” As she spoke, she pointed with the chewed tip of her pen. “Been with that tank a few months now. He’s a you-can-look-but-don’t-touch-my-girl kind of boyfriend. So all I’ll be serving you tonight is drinks and a little flirtin’. Now, what about you two? Whatcha in the mood for?”

“Just a light beer,” Cassie said.

“Oh, come on.” Sarge rolled his eyes. “You can do better than that, princess. What? You worried about having a calorie?”

When Cindy raised an eyebrow, Cassie smiled, sweet as could be though her teeth were grinding for sure. “Light beer, please.” Calories weren’t the problem. Alcohol content was. Normally, Cassie would have been swilling whiskey with them, but she’d taken his warning to heart and wouldn’t hinder herself with a foggy mind.

“Oookay. And for you?” Their waitress faced Viper.

“Same as him.” Drunk wasn’t in the cards for him either, but Sarge would balk for sure if he only ordered a beer.

“All righty. Be back in a flash.” As she turned to walk away, Sarge reached out and patted her ass. She spun fast and waggled her finger. “Behave yourself now.” Then she was on to the next table.

“Damn, that girl wants my dick.”

Cassie laughed so hard she snorted, earning her a middle finger from Sarge. “Oh, come on,” she said around her giggles. “Do you know how many of you she deals with each night? Sorry, buddy, she’s working you for a tip and nothing more. Besides, that man behind the bar is not only huge, he’s hot. She ain’t pining for what you got, Sergeant.” She smirked. “Sorry.”

With a part evil, part leering grin, Sarge leaned across the table. “Wanna bet, princess?”

With a shrug, Cassie said, “Sure. Whadya have in mind?”

Scratching his scruffy cheek, Sarge pursed his lips. “Hmm…okay, how ’bout this? I go home with nothing more than my hand tonight and I’ll cover Viper’s next two runs.”

Oh man, he had Cassie on the hook now. Last week, she’d found a cabin a few hours away for a steal and wanted Viper to take her out of town for a couple of days, but the dates clashed with his next run. Sarge knew it because he’d mentioned it a few days ago.

She played with the paper placemat in front of her, head tilted. “And if I lose?”

Sarge grabbed a scrap of paper and a pencil from a cup for the bar’s weekly trivia nights. He scribbled something on the slip of paper, folded it, then held it up. Not once did the satisfied smirk leave his lips.

The small hairs on the back of Viper’s neck floated up. His brother was up to something. He could fucking feel it creeping across his skin.

“That horny little waitress rides my dick before we leave here tonight, and you give this to the bartender.”

Cassie’s eyes nearly fell from her head. “Before we leave?” she said with a disbelieving laugh. As she reached for the paper, Sarge snatched his hand back.

“Nuh-uh,” he tisked, wagging the paper back and forth. “Not until you win. And yes, before we leave.”

“Sarge…” Viper began. It could be all in good, raunchy fun, but his gut wasn’t convinced.

Cassie’s hand landed on his thigh. She shot him an it’s okay glance then said, “You gotta at least give me a clue what it says. I’m not gonna hand him a note with my phone number or some shit. Not that you’re gonna win…”

Cocking his head, Sarge studied Cassie. Viper’s unease grew by the second.

“It’s a message from Cutter. Not too keen on delivering it myself ’cuz I’m pretty sure he’ll recognize me.”

“Pfft.” Her elbow landed on the table, palm out in Sarge’s direction. “You’re on. There is no way she’s having sex with you before we leave. What? We’ll be here an hour more, tops?” Then she turned toward Viper and gave him a gleeful grin. “Guess we’re getting a weekend away after all.”

Viper nearly groaned. This was not going to end well. Either Sarge would lose and throw an epic hissy fit or he’d win and be a gloating ass at the very least. But at least he now knew their little field trip to this bar was sanctioned by Cutter. Made the knot of unease untwist…somewhat.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024