Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 79

“We can come back,” Copper said, his voice suspiciously controlled, as though he fought his own emotions. Made sense he would be greatly affected by Viper’s death. Her husband had been Copper’s right hand man for years. They had an extremely close relationship and functioned exactly as a leadership team should. No, they didn’t agree on every decision, but their mutual respect and brotherly love had them putting the club’s needs before their own both in times of prosperity and crisis. The club was their family and they valued and ran it as such. More than once over the past few weeks, she’d considered broaching the subject of how he was coping, but Shell probably had that in hand, so she’d let it go.

“No,” Cassie said, as she wiped errant tears from her cheeks. “We’re good. Right, Shell?”

“Yep.” Shell beamed at her ol’ man who slid into the booth.

Thunder, Cassie’s hands down favorite prospect, winked at her before heading over to the counter. Screw and Gumby had walked in with them also, probably there to collect Jazmine. Hand in hand, they walked toward an empty booth, slipping in side by side to wait for the third piece of their puzzle.

Cassie couldn’t help but grin. Those three had been through a lot, but they’d emerged strong and very much in love.

If there was one thing she learned, it was that no one escaped life without challenges and pain being thrown at them.

No one.

What varied though, was a person’s ability to overcome those hardships.

She was lucky. Always had been. Every time life placed the biggest bumps in her road, she’d had incredible people backing her up, supporting her, loving her…saving her. From the time Viper rescued her from his father’s club to now when the entire Handler’s club had her back, she’d never been alone.

Something to remember on the nights she felt overwhelming loneliness. Though it would never be the same as having Viper by her side, she didn’t have to spend the rest of her life alone. She had family who not only loved her, but wanted her in their lives every single day.

“Have you given any thought to our offer?” Copper asked as he held out an arm for Shell.

She gave Cassie one last squeeze and a kiss on the cheek before going to sit next to her man. Copper pulled Shell close, pressing a kiss to her temple and whispering something in her ear that had her nodding. Most likely he inquired as to how she was feeling. The man was in full papa bear mode and his child hadn’t been born yet. Heaven help the first boy who showed any interest in Beth. The poor guy would be threatened within an inch of his life if he so much as indulged in an impure thought about Copper’s baby girl.

Surprisingly enough, watching them huddle close didn’t cause the pang of sadness she’d been expecting. All she experienced watching their loving connection was joy on their behalf.

Had she given thought to Copper’s offer?

No. If she was being honest, she hadn’t. Her mind had been too lost in the past, reliving her life with Viper. But as she sat there, it all became crystal clear. Why not move in and help take care of the children she viewed as her grandkids? Why not spend her life with her family? What was there to hold her back? Yes, she would have to sell the house she and Viper made countless memories in, but it was just a house. All those memories lived in her head and her heart, not in the walls and paint of a building. Without a doubt, Viper would suffer if he thought her lonely or sad, and he deserved an afterlife full of peace and happiness. He deserved to look down upon her with love and pride because she was thriving and enjoying the years she had left.

“I have,” she said with a light heart. “I have thought about it.”

Shell perked up. “Really? Oh, God, now I’m freaking out. Okay, what are you thinking? Do you have questions? Do you want to see the mother-in-law suite? Wait, have I showed it to you before?” Her brow scrunched. “I can’t remember. What do you want to ask us?”

“She probably wants to ask you to shut up so she can talk,” Copper said with laughter in his voice. When Shell’s elbow connected with his ribs, he let out a grunt then snickered.

“Sorry,” she sent a sheepish look Cassie’s way as she leaned against her husband. “I got a little excited there. What were you going to say?”

“Well, first, thank you. For the incredible offer.”

“Oh, you’re going to say no.” The absolute heartbreak in Shell’s voice would have swayed Cassie if she wasn’t already in.

“Woman,” Copper’s said, exasperated. He covered Shell’s mouth with his giant hand. “Okay, I’ve muzzled her. Feel free to speak now.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024