Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10) - Page 41

Shaking her head at the clichéd internal pep talk, Makenna stepped back into the dining room and drew up short. She barely managed to keep an “aww,” from escaping.

Where the vacancy in her chest had been seconds before, a warmth filled her to near bursting. Had she ever seen anything more adorable than the sight of Emmie curled up and snoozing away on the handsome biker’s lap? Emmie’s pudgy little cheek pooched her lips out where it was mashed against Thunder’s chest. He’d tipped his head up, resting it against the high back of the chair.

Was he asleep as well?

As the question popped into her head, his big hand began a gentle glide up and down Emmie’s back. The toddler sighed in her slumber and seemed to burrow deeper into his chest.

That’s a nice chest, isn’t it, Emmie?

Sure, Mak had been pressed up against it for entirely different reasons, but she’d enjoyed it just as much.

As she observed them, a flash of Thunder bandaging skinned knees, reading books, and tucking Emmie into bed invaded her psyche. Following that, she pictured him returning from a club meeting and walking up behind her while she prepared a meal similar to tonight’s. He’d wrap his strong arms around her and draw her snug against that very chest Emmie occupied…

Mak squeezed her eyes tight, stopping those dangerous, dangerous thoughts of domestic bliss. Shaken to her core, she blew out a breath then opened her eyes to find Thunder still sitting there, rubbing Emmie’s back.

As she lifted her gaze from his soothing hand, it connected with his startled eyes. “Uh, hey,” she said.

Stunning display of communication, Mak.

He cleared his throat. “Hey.”

She waved her hand in his direction. “Sorry about all this. She loves a good snuggle. I should have told her to leave you alone or taken her with me.” Mak said, a notch above a whisper as she moved in Thunder’s direction, arms outstretched. “Let me get her from you.”

His eyes flared wide, and he looked down almost as though he’d forgotten Emmie had passed out all over him. “No, uh, she’s okay. You don’t need to disturb her. I hear it’s never a good idea to wake ’em up.”

With a chuckle, Makenna sank into the empty seat next to the cutest duo she’d ever seen. “Yeah, kids can be a bear if you wake them up from a deep sleep. Then again, so can most adults.”

“Yeah, unless you come at me with a vat of coffee, don’t even think of waking me early,” he said with a low laugh.

Mak smiled, and then silence fell, thick and heavy with unease. She’d been mad at him the other night after he stormed off, basically slamming the door in her face. Now, she could barely resist the impulse to snuggle all over him like Emmie. She was also dying to ask him what he meant when he said his brothers accepted him no matter where or what he came from. She’d assumed his life was nothing but fun and games, but maybe this charming man had something in common with her. Maybe he had a past he loathed as well.

They looked at each other across the span of the table. Could this be more awkward? She didn’t possess the skills to have a normal conversation with an attractive man, let alone flirt.

Wait, what? Flirt? Why the hell would she even think along those lines? Flirting should be dead last on her priority list. Way, way below feeding, clothing, sheltering, and educating the five humans in her care.

“So what—” she started at the same time he said, “Is everything—”

Ugh, this was painful.

He gave her a tight grin.

Why, yes, things could get more awkward.

“Please, go ahead,” she said around a tense laugh.

“I was just gonna ask if Kara was okay. You mentioned medicine.”

“Oh, yeah.” Did he actually care, or was this a question to fill the time and make him seem interested in their drama? “She takes Tegretol for a seizure disorder.” When his face turned horrified, she lifted a hand. “Don’t worry, she’s doing great. Hasn’t had a seizure in a year.” Since she’d started receiving proper medical care outside the community.

“Wow, that’s a lot to deal with.”

“It can be.” Another uncomfortable laugh/grunt left her. Time to change the subject. “So what was it that brought you here? I assume it wasn’t the idea of an amazing dinner party with me and my siblings.”

He huffed out a laugh that had Emmie shifting against him. As though it was the most natural thing in the world, he made a shushing noise and rubbed her back. The man didn’t even seem conscious of the actions. But Mak sure as hell was cognizant of it. Same way she was aware of the tightening low in her belly.

“No, can’t say I expected to walk in on family night.” He laughed again then raked his free hand through his hair. “Actually, I came to apologize to you.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024